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Last week on this weblog: USB memory and hardware media player vendors take note — you can ship your device with great music without asking for permission, because permission has already been granted. Today: Magnatune and Hana Micron Launch TunePlug Portable USB Drive With Pre-Loaded MP3 Music From Leading Independent Artists This isn’t exactly a…

CC search index breakdown

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Folks love a license distribution breakdown, so here’s another, this from the current index of 1.2 million pages (larger crawls forthcoming) used by the Creative Commons search engine: Allows commercial use Allows derivative works Allows both Audio 32 78 32 Image 19 48 16 Interactive 31 65 27 Text 28 69 23 Video 13 65…

Australia Launch and River Boat Cruise

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Over the last few days, I had the honor of attending the Creative Commons Australia launch which was celebrated by a two-day Creative Commons conference at the Queensland University of Technology Law School. The conference, entitled Open Content Licensing (OCL): Cultivating the Creative Commons, was well attended by many of Australia’s influencial thinkers in government,…

Support Creative Commons

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Friends of Creative Commons, As 2004 draws to a close, Creative Commons is strong. In the past two years since Creative Commons licenses have been available, we’ve taken our first large first steps with you–building some of the essential tools, adding critical pieces of infrastructure and assembling a vibrant community. In 2004, Glenn, Larry, and…

CC Torrent Hosting

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Torrentocracy has announced a free BitTorrent hosting service for Creative Commons licensed content: Prodigem. Download one of the beta torrents currently available. Send an email to Torrentocracy creator Gary Lerhaupt to request an upload account. Update: Download all of the Duke Law School Arts Project Moving Image Contest finalists via one torrent at prodigem.

CREATIVE Commons search

Press post News:- Creative Commons has joined the search engine club with an updated beta which scours the web for text, images, audio, and video… From P2Pnet

Rediscover Culture with Firefox & CC Search

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Cool thing about Firefox 1.0 number 75387: access to the Creative Commons search engine is built in. If you’re already using Firefox 1.0, just click on the search drop-down to the upper right of the browser window and select Creative Commons. If you’re not using Firefox, get with the program! The Creative Commons search engine…

Creative Commons Unique Search Tool Now Integrated into Firefox 1.0

About CC post

CREATIVE COMMONS’ ONE-OF-A-KIND SEARCH ENGINE DEBUTS, HERALDING NEXT-GENERATION WEB SEARCH FEATURES EXTRA: The new Mozilla Firefox 1.0 browser ships with the Silicon Valley nonprofit’s new search technology, allowing users to comb the web for royalty-free content. SAN FRANCISCO, USA November 22, 2004 Creative Commons today unveiled an updated beta version of its search engine, which…

Engadget on mashups, call for tutorials

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Engadget is a great all-around blog about technology and the latest gadgets, but in the past few weeks they’ve began doing a “podcast” which is sort of like a home-brewed radio show, saved as mp3s and shared on their site. This week’s podcast has an interesting segment on “Mashing the Planet,” their call to arms…