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About CC post

San Francisco, US, & London, UK, 1st August 2005—Creative Commons and (WNA) today announced a landmark partnership whereby WNA will incorporate Creative Commons licensing into the WNA site, upcoming Proud Gallery exhibit and the ‘We’re Not Afraid’ book. By using the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 license, people around the world will be able to…

Belgrade Gallery

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Free computer art software visual artist activist programmer (mix and match, also CC mailing list discussant) Rob Myers has a lecture (July 29) and exhibition (running July 27 – August 8) at o3one gallery in Belgrade, Serbia, supported by the British Council. From 1969 by Rob Myers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license. Addendum: Pictures of…

CC Licensing for WordPress: Now with AJAX

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wpLicense 0.5 is out. wpLicense is a project I whipped up a while back to experiment with the Creative Commons web services and AJAX. I also needed CC licensing for WordPress and wasn’t satisfied with the existing solutions. This is the third release I’ve made, and the first I actually think should be usable by…

Creative Commons South Africa Launch

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Week before last, Creative Commons South Africa officially launched at the Commons-Sense: Towards an African Digital Information Commons conference in Johannesburgh. The launch event and conference, primarily organized by Heather Ford, South Africa Project Lead, and Andrew Rens, South Africa Legal Lead, was nothing short of spectacular. The launch event on the night preceeding the…

Creative Commons and Magnatune Announce Lisa DeBenedictis Remix Contest -– Winners to Receive Magnatune Recording Contract

About CC post

Be creative, be open, and give it your best shot. “Let your imagination run wild and get creative,” is the slogan from Magnatune and Creative Commons on their latest venture. Online record label Magnatune and non-profit creative licensing organization Creative Commons announce that they will co-host a digital music remix contest beginning in May of…

Creative Commons and Magnatune Announce Lisa DeBenedictis Remix Contest -– Winners to Receive Magnatune Recording Contract

About CC post

Be creative, be open, and give it your best shot. “Let your imagination run wild and get creative,” is the slogan from Magnatune and Creative Commons on their latest venture. Online record label Magnatune and non-profit creative licensing organization Creative Commons announce that they will co-host a digital music remix contest beginning in May of…

Yahoo! Search for CC forum

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Yahoo! has added a forum to support Yahoo! Search for Creative Commons. If you have questions or feedback for Yahoo! concerning this service, now you have a place to ask. See this post introducing Yahoo! Search for Creative Commons. Today Yahoo! also took their video search out of beta. You can’t (yet — hint, hint!)…

Over in Spain – Creating an Online Collaborative Database of Sounds

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In preparation for the International Computer Music Conference to be held in Barcelona in September 2005, the Music Technology Group and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, have created the freesoundproject. The freesound project is a collaborative database of sounds – not songs or compositions – but sounds: audio snippets, samples, recordings, bleeps. All sounds uploaded to…

Free Culture On Tour

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Free Culture may be visiting a college, youth media group, or festival near you. Brooklyn-based artist Colin Mutchler, in partnership with, has launched a five-week tour which kicked off last week at South by Southwest. The Free Culture show mixes music, images, and spoken word to demonstrate the complex and entertaining cross section between…