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Posts by glenn

Do the Recombo. In Brazil. Now. Again.


Renaldo “Recombo” Lemos of Creative Commons Brazil reports more good news: “Following the same steps of Gilberto Gil and Mombojo, the Brazilian electronic group Gerador Zero has decided to go Recombo. Gerador Zero is one of the most inventive music projects in Brazil. Fabio FZero, their mastermind, has managed to create music that is hard…

Do You Code-Switch? Yet Another Reason to Go Some Rights Reserved


People who study race, gender, and anthropology sometimes talk about “code-switching“: the way a person who straddles different cultures (poor and rich, minority and majority, north and south) learns to toggle between the lingo and mannerisms of each to survive, or in some cases, thrive. One of the several “ah ha!” moments of Siva Vaidhyanathan‘s…

Public Radio Exchange


The Washington Post has a nice article about the innovative and all-around-fantastic Public Radio Exchange today. PRX bills itself as “an online service for peer-review and digital distribution of public radio programming”: it’s a low-friction clearinghouse for great radio. In the words of the article: Every minute of every hour, great gobs of fantastic, imaginative…

Collaboration Across Space (and a Wee Bit of Time)


Here’s an interesting blurb from the Stanford Report: Music Professor Chris Chafe played his celleto with Berkeley musician Roberto Morales, left, in Wallenberg Hall during an intercontinental jam session June 18 that took advantage of sophisticated teleconference technology. Projected on the screen are Hogne Moe, left, and Oyvind Berg, who “virtually” joined the concert from…

Commoner Sightings — This Weekend


Creative Commons board member Joi Ito will address the Flash Forward 2004 conference at the New Yorker Hotel in New York City — tomorrow, Friday July 9th, at 9:00am. Assistant director Neeru Paharia will appear on a panel, “Open Source and Social Action,” at the Awe to Action conference — this Saturday, July 10th, at…