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"Yes We're Open" and "Free Culture TV" Launch as Miro Channels

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The Miro team have put their summer video intern, Parker Higgins to work launching two new channels for the open-video application: The goal of these channels is to showcase interesting and entertaining material from all over the internet that’s been released under open licenses. Free Culture TV is more specialized, and will contain programming from…

Jamison Young

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Jamison Young is a musician who records endlessly and plays live as often as he can. Young releases all his music under a CC licence, some through ‘fairplay’ label (and former Featured Commoner) Beatpick, who helped get Young’s track “Memories Child” into the soundtrack for new feature film “The X-Files: I Want to Believe“. We…

Upcoming ccSalon – SF

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This time around, the SF Salon’s theme will focus on Creative Commons in the realm of film and media. We’ve got an all-star line-up of inspiring folks who will be talking about how CC and open and shared culture are all vital and exciting components of the media world. The night will start off with…

Deerhoof & CASH Music team up for "Fresh Born" experiment

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One of my favorite bands, Deerhoof, has teamed up with innovative media company CASH Music (we’ve talked about CASH’s great work here, here, and here) for a very interesting project. In a sly nod to the ubiquity of pre-release music leaks, the group has issued the sheet music for its upcoming single “Fresh Born” under…

Vital Signs on Moving Towards Openness

Open Science post

Photo by Petri Tuohimaa for GMRI, CC BY-NC-ND “Sarah on a beach near Portland, Maine looking for two species of invasive marine crabs – Carcinus maenas (European green crab) and Hemigrapsus sanguineus (Asian shore crabs).” In April, I had a chance to meet with Sarah Kirn, Program Manager of Vital Signs, a field and inquiry…

Remix Kidz in the Hall and Tyga at Jamglue

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Jamglue – featured commoner, remix contest holder extraordinaire – have delivered again with two awesome remix contests, one featuring rap-duo Kidz in the Hall and the other solo-artist Tyga. Both contests feature song stems for both artists’ current singles – “Driving Down the Block” and “Coconut Juice” respectively – released under a CC BY-NC-SA license.…

"then you win"

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“then you win” is an initiative aiming to release a series of documentaries that focus on international development issues under a spectrum of CC licenses. The documentaries are produced by Loin de l’Œil, a voluntary association in France, and will be released under Yooook, an open content platform project under development run by Camille Harang.…

ccMixter to the max Q&A; proposals due July 29

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May 29 we announced that we are accepting proposals for a new home for ccMixter, the innovative remix-oriented music community that Creative Commons has run since late 2004. The Request For Proposals was covered many places, including Advertising Age, Boing Boing, and WIRED as well as discussed on the ccMixter forums. Proposals are due July…

Digital Copyright Slider

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Thanks to The Wired Campus, I stumbled across this nifty digital copyright tool developed by the American Library Association’s Copyright Advisory Network (in the Office for Information Technology Policy). The ALA Copyright Advisory Network is dedicated to educating librarians and others on copyright, something that is no simple matter, since, “with copyright, there are no… Releases Improved Uploading Interface

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Prominent Free Culture activist, ROFLCon-ite, and close CC friend Dean Jansen blogged recently about’s new absolutely amazingly easy-to-use new interface for uploading media. As he writes, This is great news, as has historically been notoriously difficult to publish to. I’m encouraging them to go one step further and add easily accessible RSS links…