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“Kelly” is a CC-BY-NC licensed webcomic written and illustrated by Dan Goldman. The comic’s incredible mixed-media illustration reveals “a psychedelic psychodrama about love, truth and conflicting interior landscapes in a tiny shared New York apartment”. “Kelly” is serialized at ACT-I-VATE, an online comic collective.

Download issues #1-4 of the ccNewsletter

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We are again indebted to the graphical talents of Atty. Michael Vernon M. Guerrero, Deputy Project Lead of Creative Commons Philippines, for his beautiful “retroactively created” remixes of issues #1-4 of our bimonthly newsletter. Moreover, there’s a crisp maiden issue of the CC Philippines newsletter that mustn’t be missed. Happy reading!


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Creative Commons is working with GRNET to create Greece jurisdiction-specific licenses from the generic Creative Commons licenses. CCi Greece List Public Lead: Theodoros Karounos, GRNET Legal Leads: Prodromos Tsiavos, Marinos Papadopoulos License draft (PDF, English). License draft (PDF, Greek). English explanation of substantive legal changes (PDF). Post a message. Subscribe to the discussion. Read the…

UK: England and Wales

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Creative Commons is working with Information Systems and Innovation Group (ISIG) – Department of Management to create UK: England & Wales jurisdiction-specific licenses from the generic Creative Commons licenses. CCi UK: England & Wales List Overall Project Lead: Professor Ian Angell Legal Project Leads: Mr. Andrew Murray and Dr. Prodromos Tsiavos Public Project Lead: Dr.…

CC-licensed behind-the-scenes stills from Spoon's new video

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The cool new video for Spoon‘s “You Got Yr. Cherry Bomb” was co-created by Ryan Junell – who you may know from his work on CC’s popular “Get Creative,” “Reticulum Rex,” and “Wanna Work Together?” clips, as well as for designing the Creative Commons logo. Check out some CC-licensed behind-the-scenes stills from the production on…

2nd COMMUNIA Workshop: Ethical Public Domain

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The second COMMUNIA workshop, Ethical Public Domain: Debate of Questionable Practices, will take place on Monday, March 31 in the geographic center of Europe: Vilnius, Lithuania. The workshop will host ten rounds of debates on issues concerning to the public domain and related policies and practices, followed by a press conference inviting the media and…

Monopoly Shuffle: A Remix Contest

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On May 28-30, The Center for Intellectual Property at the University of Maryland University College will be hosting a symposium focused on U.S. copyright monopoly, technological innovation and higher education institutions titled “Monopoly: Playing the Innovation Game”. The symposium will take place at the UMUC Inn and Conference Center in metro Washington D.C. Tied into…


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Creative Commons is working with the Access to Knowledge Project to create Ukraine jurisdiction-specific licenses from the generic Creative Commons licenses. CCi Ukraine List Project Lead: Andriy Pazyuk, National Academy of Public Management, Fellow (Ukraine, Kyiv); Ms. Galina Sovenko, Public Agency for Copyright and Related Rights, Chief Legal Adviser (Ukraine, Kyiv). (email) License draft (PDF).…

UK: Scotland

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Creative Commons is working with SCRIPT Centre for Research in IP and Technology, at Edinburgh University to create UK: Scotland jurisdiction-specific licenses from the generic Creative Commons licenses. CCi UK: Scotland List Project Lead: Jonathan Mitchell QC, Professor Hector MacQueen, and Andres Guadamuz License draft. Post a message. Subscribe to the discussion (joint mailing list…