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Tag: donate
You Can Now Sponsor CC’s Open Source Work on GitHub!
by Kriti Godey Community, TechnologyCreative Commons is now accepting sponsorship via GitHub Sponsors! CC’s small engineering team builds essential open-source infrastructure for CC-licensed and public domain content. Our tools make it easier for anyone to: release original content under an open license. find and responsibly reuse openly licensed and public domain content. connect to the larger ecosystem of openly…
What’s New in the Noosphere?
by Victoria Heath About CCThe term “global commons” usually brings to mind the biosphere’s natural resources that everyone shares and benefits from, like water or air. But the global commons is also home to what’s called the noosphere—all the resources and artifacts created by human reason and scientific thought, such as music, art, language, and research. Creative Commons has…
How can we make the world a better place?
by Ryan Merkley About CCWhat are the values that resonate the most for you in the Commons? Transparency? Innovation? Sharing? Gratitude? In today’s polarized political environment, how can we come together to champion values that we share, and make the world a better place? I’ve repeated three truths to guide CC’s message, and I’d like to share them with…
Safe Creative enables creators to donate a portion of their sales to Creative Commons
by Jane Park UncategorizedSafe Creative is a Spain-based global intellectual property registry that allows users to publicly assert and identify their rights over a work. Safe Creative supports CC licensing, so you can register* your existing CC-licensed works and license your new works that you register. Currently, Safe Creative has over half a million registered works and over…