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ccSalon SF (8/12/09) Audio Now Online
by allison EventsThanks to everyone who made it out to our ccSalon in San Francisco last Wednesday. We had a great turn-out, excellent presentations and discussion on CC and open source, and refreshments, all of which made for a delightful evening in PariSoMa‘s inviting space. Couldn’t make it to the salon? Fear not! You can now download…
ccSalon SF next Wednesday! CC and Open Source
by allison EventsCC friends and fans in the Bay Area: we hope you can join us next week at our ccSalon, when, in the spirit of Open Source World, we’ll hear about CC and open source technology from our three presenters for the evening: * Chris DiBona, Open Source Program Manager for Google, Inc. * Evan Prodromou,…
The Value of Human Readable Deeds
by fbenenson About CCBy now you’ve probably heard that Facebook modified their Terms of Service and after facing a huge community backlash, returned them to their original state. Most of the issues at play were outside the scope of what we work on at CC, but the incident brings up something that we are very much interested in:…
Microplanet Creative Commons
by mike UncategorizedLast week we mentioned that you can follow short updates from Creative Commons on the microblogging services twitter and has a feature allowing you to view (or subscribe via a feed) all microbloggers a particular account subscribes to. So we’ve made the CC account subscribe to the microblogs of CC jurisdiction project…
The Commons in 140 Characters or Less
by fbenenson UncategorizedSo we’re a little late to the game on this one but we’ve just set up our microblogging accounts. Follow and send updates to creativecommons on Twitter or creativecommons on and tell your friends!