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Tag: Open Climate
CC Open Science: 2024 Year in Review
by Monica Granados, Taylor Campbell Open Climate, Open ScienceScience by Steve Rotman is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Access to science is a fundamental human right, and yet, much of that public good is inaccessible because of paywalls and limited in its reuse because of restrictive copyright licenses. The CC licenses are an essential part of open science infrastructure and provide a legal…
From Recommendations to Implementation: Increasing Access to Climate Data for Earth Intelligence
by Taylor Campbell, Jan Ainali Open Access, Open Climate, Open ScienceScreenshot by Creative Commons is licensed under CC BY 4.0. Earlier this year, Creative Commons published our Recommendations for Better Sharing of Climate Data, a seminal resource to help national and intergovernmental climate data-producing agencies use legal terms, licenses, and metadata values that ensure climate data is accessible, shareable, and reusable. Our goal is to…
Open Climate Campaign at UNFCCC Conference of the Parties 28
by Monica Granados Open ClimateThe complexity of climate change is on display at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP). The conference is arranged into two major zones, blue and green, with the former accessible only by parties with UNFCCC accreditation. The green zone is a landscape dotted by venues with booths…
A Year in the Open Climate Campaign
by Monica Granados, Cable Green Open ClimateThis month marks the first anniversary of the Open Climate Campaign — a four-year project working to make the open sharing of research the norm in climate science. We celebrate the success of the campaign in this initial year and look forward to the upcoming year.
A Tale of Two Global Challenges: Climate research is not as open as COVID-19 research
by Cable Green, Monica Granados Open Climate, Open ScienceIn early 2020, something unusual happened in the academic community. A normally guarded community accustomed to holding their data and research papers close, began to adopt much more open practices. Researchers came in droves to preprint servers to post versions of their research papers – that had not yet been peer reviewed – to make…
CC at Wikimania 2023
by Creative Commons EventsCC is thrilled to be partnering with the Wikimedia Foundation to make Wikimania 2023 a reality. The gathering takes place 16–19 August both in Singapore and online. Whether you can make it to Singapore or not, register now to attend, participate, and access recorded sessions. The CC and Wikimedian communities overlap in many ways and…
2023: The Year of Open Science
by Cable Green, Monica Granados Open Science2023 is the year of the rabbit in the Chinese Lunar calendar, the year Voyager 2 is predicted to overtake Pioneer 10 as the second-farthest spacecraft from Earth, and the Year of Open Science. In an announcement by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), 2023 was declared the Year of Open…