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Tag: open licensing

Here are four key takeaways from evaluating the CC Certificate

Open Education

The CC Certificate program helps Creative Commons build professionals’ capacity in open licensing and open practices. The program offers global courses for academic librarians, educators, and cultural heritage advocates; but courses are open to everyone. Through global discussions, course participants work through what it means to engage in an online commons of shared knowledge and…

Creative Commons’ Foundation Engagement Project


Creative Commons received a grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation to survey the licensing policies of private foundations, and to work toward increasing the free availability of foundation-supported works. We are still pursuing this objective, but here’s where we are at the moment. Tax-exempt private foundations are non-profit institutions exclusively devoted to benefitting…

CC at 10: Government Resources + Open Licensing = Win


On this 10th anniversary of CC, there’s much to celebrate: Creative Commons licenses and tools have been embraced by millions of photographers, musicians, videographers, bloggers, and others sharing countless numbers of creative works freely online. One area of growth in use of CC licenses and public domain tools is for government works. Government adoption of…

Gates Foundation announces $20M for Next Generation Learning Challenges; CC BY required for grant materials


The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has announced a $20M investment in the Next Generation Learning Challenges, an initiative to improve college readiness and completion through technology. The first request for proposals (RFP) was released today (PDF). The RFP specifically solicits proposals that address the following challenges: Increasing the use of blended learning models, which combine face-to-face instruction…

Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges Adopts CC BY for All Competitive Grants


The Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges (SBCTC) recently adopted an open licensing policy for the competitive grants they administer: All digital software, educational resources and knowledge produced through competitive grants, offered through and/or managed by the SBCTC, will carry a Creative Commons Attribution License … [and] applies to all funding sources (state,…