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Tag: Weblog

Remix your message


Another instalment to the CC Flickr zeitgeist trend, check out the image below that Dawn Endico has created by remixing Creative Commons and EFF stickers…. BY-SA 2.0 …and of course, you can always create your own stickers for others to remix and CC license them at

#cc chat


To complement the long term collaboration embodied in a wiki and the measured conversation (at times) on our mailing lists we’ve set up a real time Internet Relay Chat channel, #cc on freenode (link will only work if you have an IRC client like ChatZilla installed). Like our wiki, the IRC channel is primarily indended…

Freedom to Creativity!


This year’s Freedom to Creativity festival is underway in Zagreb, Croatia, featuring a lecture by John Wilbanks of Science Commons on “The Impact of Patents and Licensing on the Commons” and free culture performances by artists from Croatia and Serbia and Montenegro. Creative Commons licenses for Croatia were announced at last year’s festival. Happy one…

Help give your senator an iPod loaded with CC music


During last week’s Senate hearing on the Broadcast Flag, Senator Ted Stevens revealed that his daughter had recently bought him an iPod — and that he enjoys using it to listen to ripped CDs. In turn, IPac has launched a drive to collect money to buy iPods for other senators who work on technology legislation.…

200,000 CC mp3s


The Soundclick music community passed the 200,000 mark for CC-licensed mp3s over the weekend. That’s a whole lot of music. Soundclick doesn’t offer CC-specific search or feeds, which rather points out an opportunity for aggregators. Forunately Google and Yahoo! have both indexed the Soundclick site rather well. Click on one of the previous links or…

Creative Commons media kits


Last summer, Creative Commons had the pleasure of having Fred Benenson as its first Free Culture intern. Fred was tasked with coming up with interesting or cool ways to get out Creative Commons’ message but on a grass roots level. Fred created a very sexy media kit that Free Culture members can give to bands…

Multibillion-dollar business mashup


As I procrastinatefinish my slides for a talk on Semantic Search on the Public Web with Creative Commons at the 2006 Semantic Technology Conference (March 6-9, San Jose, California) I note that the closing keynote makes some pretty heady predictions: Markets for semantic technology products and services will grow 10-fold from 2006 to 2010 to…


A few days ago we turned on a completely redesigned public wiki. The main content there now focuses on software developers. Shortly the entire technology section of the CC site will move to the wiki and will no longer be embarrassingly out of date. I want to especially draw attention to our technology challenges page.…

Early Malaysian Support for Creative Commons


Although the CC Malaysia project was only launched in December 2005 and the Malaysian version of the CC licenses are slated for release in early March 2006, under the stewardship of project lead Dr. Ng Alina, the CC concept has received some welcome initial support in Malaysia. Several musicians have explained how Creative Commons licensing…