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Tag: Weblog

Photo Pix Today


This week’s featured content is the photoblog Photo Pix Today, done by Christoph Föckeler from Germany. The site features a great variety photos of life in Munich, and all licensed under Creative Commons.

Moving Image Contest deadline approaching!


GET CREATIVE! Enter the Creative Commons Moving Image Contest. Make a 2-minute moving image that describes Creative Commons’ mission. Win a computer, a digital video camera, or an iPod. An amazing panel of judges will select winners. Please read the official rules. Deadline for entries is December 31st, 2003

Creative Commons in Italy


On the heels of our recent start of work on licenses in China, Taiwan, and Ireland, today we added Italy to the mix. The discussion has just begun, thanks to volunteers at the Department of Law of the University of Turin and the CNR Institute of Electronics and Information and Telecommunications Engineering.

Creative Commons launches Ireland discussion


Thanks to the help of Dr. Darius Whelan and Louise Crowley, at University College Cork, we’re working on porting Creative Commons licenses to Irish law. There is an iCommons Ireland page with links to the discussion and a full press release describing the undertaking.

Creative licensing for massive multiplayer online games


At a conference focused on video games and the law presented jointly by the law schools of NYU and Yale, the legal grey area of intellectual property and ownership of in-game items by participants has been examined by numerous presenters. The sale of credits and items between players in virtual worlds is fairly common, though…

Creative Commons week on Eyebeam forum continues


Remember that this is Eyebeam week at Creative Commons. Eyebeam is the cutting-edge New York gallery hosting the Distributed Creativity email forum on intellectual property and art this month and next. Creative Commons is moderating the discussion this week. Join up if you haven’t already and spill your thoughts.

Hacking the Xbox


This week’s featured content is Andrew “bunnie” Huang’s controversial book “Hacking the Xbox: An Introduction to Reverse Engineering.” The book is available for order from his site, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble, and the text is Creative Commons licensed. The book has a colored history involving Microsoft, the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA), and potential…