Acknowledging that some data should not be shared (for moral, ethical and/or privacy reasons) and some cannot be shared (for legal or other reasons), Creative Commons (CC) thinks there is value in incentivizing the creation, sharing, and use of open data to advance knowledge production. As open communities continue to imagine, design, and build digital…
Kaleidoscope 2 by Sheila Sund is licensed under CC BY 2.0. For over 20 years, Creative Commons (CC) has provided self-serve solutions to address the limitations of copyright in a digital world. CC is a beloved symbol of sharing and knowledge freedom that resists a restrictive sharing and re-use environment and brings people together. Thanks…
Science by Steve Rotman is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Access to science is a fundamental human right, and yet, much of that public good is inaccessible because of paywalls and limited in its reuse because of restrictive copyright licenses. The CC licenses are an essential part of open science infrastructure and provide a legal…
Interesting Story by Laura Muntz Lyall. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons. With new publications, events, and the launch of a new coalition, the CC Open Culture Program accomplished a lot! Here are some highlights: At the Open Culture Strategic Workshop in Lisbon, Portugal, we gathered nearly 50 experts from every continent to co-create a strategic…
People Walking on Brown Concrete Floor by Mehmet Turgut Kirkgoz . Public Domain. Creative Commons training efforts strengthen our mission to “empower individuals and communities around the world through technical, legal, and policy solutions that enable the sharing of education, culture, and science in the public interest.” In 2024, our Learning & Training team focused…
Photo of Empty Classroom by Diana. Public Domain. The Open Education program at Creative Commons works to support CC’s mission through education, advocacy, and outreach on using open licenses and open licensing policies to maximize the benefits of open education (content, practices and policy). We work closely with governments, educational institutions and organizations to open…
Screenshot by Creative Commons is licensed under CC BY 4.0. Earlier this year, Creative Commons published our Recommendations for Better Sharing of Climate Data, a seminal resource to help national and intergovernmental climate data-producing agencies use legal terms, licenses, and metadata values that ensure climate data is accessible, shareable, and reusable. Our goal is to…
“Yellow Chair, The High Line” by Shawn Hoke is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. Creative Commons (CC) has—and continues to be—fortunate to have an expert and passionate board of directors, many of whom have been instrumental to the success of CC at both the organizational level, as well as nationally and regionally. A healthy board…
Autumn Landscape by Magnus Ecknell is marked with CC0 1.0. We are excited to share a new video series titled Open Culture Capsules. In this multi-series video collection, we address some of the most frequently asked questions about our work in Creative Commons’ (CC) Open Culture Program. You can preview the series below and find…
School by Thomas Hawk is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0. The Creative Commons (CC) Certificate courses are widely considered an essential resource for open access education and for increasing capacity for individuals and institutions using the CC licenses to increase open access. The CC Certificate program offers in-depth courses about CC licenses, open practices, and…