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Author: Nate Angell

Announcing new Creative Commons Regional Managers


Creative Commons is very pleased to announce a new team of Regional Managers to its ranks. Claudio Ruiz by Joi / CC BY.                                        Carolina Botero by carobotero / CC BY.        Jonas Öberg by Mathias Klang / CC BY-ND. New hires Jonas Öberg (Europe), Carolina Botero and Claudio Ruiz (Co-Managers, Latin America) will join existing CC…

CC in Barcelona


CC BY-NC-SA by Paco CT CC is making a strong presence in Barcelona at the many open culture and education events that are taking place in the next couple weeks. Board members Catherine Casserly and Esther Wojcicki, CEO Joi Ito, CTO Nathan Yergler, International Project Manager Michelle Thorne, Open Society Foundation (OSF) Policy Fellow Timothy…

Smithsonian Commons and Sustainable Content Usage Policies


On Thursday, Michael Edson of the Smithsonian posted on the Smithsonian 2.0 blog that they had released their “Web and New Media Strategy” with the purpose of laying a groundwork for a Smithsonian Commons: The strategy talks about an updated digital experience, a new learning model that helps people with their “lifelong learning journeys,” and…

Open Ed Conference 2009 – Call for Proposals


It’s that time of year again! That is, time for planning the line-up for Open Ed 2009, the annual, international Open Education Conference, hosted this year by the University of British Columbia in breathtaking Vancouver, Canada. From the conference website (OpenEd 2009: Crossing the Chasm): “The field of “open education” is in its second decade.…