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Diventa Creativo
by mike UncategorizedThere’s now an Italian version of the introduction to Creative Commons animation Get Creative — Diventa Creativo, available in several formats with sources for remixing!
Summer of Code 2006 Projects Announced
by nathan UncategorizedAs previously mentioned, Creative Commons is participating in this year’s Google Summer of Code. Creative Commons was awarded four project slots by Google, and the selecting the top four was challenging. We received many, many excellent proposals, and I personally want to thank everyone who took the time to think about a project and submit…
Crammed Discs Remix Contest ends today: Get your entries in!
by Eric Steuer UncategorizedThere’s been a ton of action over at the Crammed Discs Remix Contest on ccMixter. Just a reminder: the competition ends today, so submit your tracks now! Don’t forget, nine winning remixes will appear on a Crammed Discs remix compilation, to be sold online through digital music stores.
Diesel-U-Music: Featured Tracks posted online
by Eric Steuer UncategorizedThe Diesel-U-Music international music competition (see our previous blog post) is now well underway, with more than 1,200 CC-licensed songs submitted. Diesel’s staff has started featuring selected music for download on the contest site — check out some of the latest picks on the Featured Tracks page.
ccPublisher 2.0 Released
by nathan UncategorizedI’m pleased to announce the release of ccPublisher 2. ccPublisher is an application which allows users to select licenses for their work and publish them to the Internet Archive for permanent, free hosting. Files in supported formats will have license information embedded in them. If you’re more into hosting your work yourself, ccPublisher will generate…
Pearl Jam's “Life Wasted” video released under a CC license
by Eric Steuer UncategorizedThe new music video for Pearl Jam’s “Life Wasted” was released today under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs license, so that people anywhere can legally copy, distribute, and share the clip. This is the first Pearl Jam video to be released in eight years and, as far as we know, the first video produced by a…
Pearl Jam's “Life Wasted†video released under a CC license
by Eric Steuer UncategorizedThe new music video for Pearl Jam’s “Life Wasted” was released today under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs license, so that people anywhere can legally copy, distribute, and share the clip. This is the first Pearl Jam video to be released in eight years and, as far as we know, the first video produced by a…
by Eric Steuer About CC“Life Wasted” Clip Available for Download at Google Video and May 19, 2006 Today, Creative Commons announced that the video for Pearl Jam’s new single “Life Wasted” will be offered to the public under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs license, so that the people around the world can legally copy, distribute, and share the clip.…
Ryuichi Sakamoto:
by Eric Steuer UncategorizedEsteemed composer and musician Ryuichi Sakamoto has launched in response to the opening of a nuclear reprocessing plant in the Japanese village of Rokkasho. To lead off an international awareness campaign, Sakamoto wrote and recorded a track called “Rokkasho,” featuring rapper Shing02 and guitarist/producer Christian Fennesz, under the group name Team 6. The vocal…
Dream at 1920×1080 in CC
by mike UncategorizedElephants Dream, a short film that premiered late March, is now available for download in many formats, including a stunning AVI, MPEG4 (mp42) / AC3 5.1 Surround / HD 1920×1080 encoding. The production files are also downloadable. The film is released under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license. It was created to show off the…