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Australia: Radio program on Creative Commons


The Law Report, a weekly program of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, broadcast a program on Creative Commons (mp3) featuring interviews and excerpts from a debate on CC at the Melbourne Writers Festival. The program features Cory Doctorow, CC Australia’s Jessica Coates, and CC skeptics. Read more about the program and other recent appearances of CC…

Building a Rural Wireless Mesh Network


A 44 page guide to Building a Rural Wireless Mesh Network: Reliable, affordable and easy access to telecommunication services for all has been identified as key to social and economic development in Africa. Self-provisioning and community ownership of low cost, distributed infrastructure is becoming a viable alternative to increase the penetration of telecommunication services in…

Newsweek suggests "Open Access for Dummies"


Credit Where Credit is Due, an article in Newsweek, about use of text from Wikipedia by major publishers without compliance with Wikipedia’s license, includes quotes from CC CEO Lawrence Lessig on license interoperability: The Free Software Foundation, which maintains Wikipedia’s GNU license, is teaming up with a popular rival licensing movement called Creative Commons to…

Firefox 3 Beta 1


If you want to help test the next great version of Firefox, the browser with aspirations for the open web highly complementary with CC’s aspirations, read this post at the Mozilla Developer Center. And a reminder that one of the many cool things about Firefox is that you can access CC Search from the Firefox…

German public broadcaster adopts CC license


The Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR), a public radio and television broadcaster belonging to Germany’s national broadcasting consortium ARD, announced today that they will begin to use CC licenses for some of their programs. The political comedy show Extra 3 and critical media magazine Zapp will release segments of their program under a BY-NC-ND license as part… Addin Updated


The response to the release of our Addin last week was great. We had several bug reports, and lots of constructive feedback. I’ve just released an update, version 0.6.1 (download, changes). This version fixes a couple of bugs which caused to crash, as well as storing the license metadata in a more logical…

UK: Open Rights Group @ 2


Open Rights Group is two years old, and they’ve published a great report on their activities, which includes promoting and educating the public about CC licensing and researching free culture business models. And everything they publish is licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike. Congratulations to ORG and best wishes for 2008!

The 50,000 friends challenge


Looking for another way to support CC? Be our friend! By connecting with Creative Commons on sites like Facebook, MySpace, and Flickr, you can help us broaden our reach and educate the masses about the Creative Commons mission. So, starting today, we’re issuing a 50,000 friend challenge to our community. We’re asking you to help…

CC swag photo contest winner #1


And the first weekly winner of the CC swag photo contest is… Photo by Mortenjohs CC BY Thank you Mortenjohs and the other 20 participants for your participation and support! There are 4 weeks remaining in the 2007 CC swag photo contest. We’re hoping for 100 entries – so grab your camera, CC swag and…

ccMixter: The Next Step


We’re thinking about how to take our music remix site, ccMixter, to the next level. Read about it at the Lessig blog. If you’re logged into ccMixter, you can go here to take a survey on the matter. If you’re unfamiliar with ccMixter, check out the unofficial ccMixterblog, which has tons of great examples of…