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Copyfraud and CC ignorance

About CC

Yesterday the Register posted an article by Charles Eicher on the topic of copyfraud — asserting copyright where it doesn’t exist, or asserting more restrictions than copyright grants. A very important topic — true copyfraud diminishes the commons, either in the sense of propertizing the public domain, or effectively reducing the scope of uses not…

The Future of Learning Institutions in a Digital Age


HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Advanced Collaboratory) announced a new report called, “The Future of Learning Institutions in a Digital Age,” now available at MIT Press. The report is in response to our changing times, and addresses what traditional educational institutions must know to keep up. From the announcement, “Cathy N. Davidson and David…

Open Governance at Tomorrow's Open Everything Berlin


It’s here again. Our monthly CC Salon + Open Everything Berlin event is on for this Thursday, June 25, and this time we’re talking about Open Governance. How do open concepts translate into the political sphere? To what extent is democracy fueled by values such as transparency, access, and participation? What do open source projects…

Our OVC Wrapup

Events, Open Education

We wanted to give big thanks to Ben, Dean, Elizabeth, Adi, and all the volunteers to helped make the fantastic Open Video Conference happen. Myself, Jane and Alex K were all in attendance on behalf of CC and we figured we’d post a wrap up about our experience at the conference. At the CC Salon…

Wikipedia + CC BY-SA = Free Culture Win!

About CC

As anyone following this site closely must know, the Wikipedia community and Wikimedia Foundation board approved the adoption of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) license as the main content license for Wikipedia and other Wikimedia sites. A post about the community vote has many links explaining the history and importance of this move. Detail…

Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase, round 3, announced


The next release of Ubuntu is only about 4 months away, but you have even less time to submit your best CC-licensed song, video, or photograph to be included on every Ubuntu install that goes to millions of users. The Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase is an open competition for anyone interested to submit their work.…

Free Software Foundation introduces RDF for GNU licenses

About CC

We’re very happy to note that the Free Software Foundation has introduced RDF for GNU licenses. This means the FSF has described each of its licenses at a high level in the same “machine readable” framework that CC uses to describe our licenses. CC worked with the FSF to extend our vocabulary for describing copyright…

CC infopacks, Government 2.0 and more from CC Australia


If you’re looking for excellent, brief, printable materials explaining various aspects of Creative Commons, check out CC Australia’s CC Infopacks. They’re also linked from our documentation wiki, and all licensed for remixing with your own course or other materials (of course). Also congratulations to CC Australia project lead Brian Fitzgerald, Seb Chan, Head of Digital,…

Adam Curry wins again!

About CC

This post is written and translated by Paul Keller of CC Netherlands, first posted in Dutch on the CC Netherlands blog earlier today. Regarding one of the quotes below, to be clear, note CC licenses do not override fair use. … Adam Curry wins again! by Paul Keller In 2006 Adam Curry initiated and won…

Remix My Lit: Through The Clock Workings


Remix My Lit – a Brisbane based, international remixable literature project – just released their first publication, Through the Clock’s Workings. Billed as the world’s first remixed and remixable anthology of literature, the whole project is released under a CC BY-NC-SA license and is available as a free digital download (PDF) or as a hardcopy…