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CSS Examples and Commentary


Tantek Celik has recently released some useful CSS examples (with accompanying commentary) under a Creative Commons attribution license. Check out Tantek’s reasoning for the move.

Harvard Blogs and Creative Commons


Dave Winer, author of popular blogging software systems and various technical specifications, is currently a Berkman fellow at the Harvard Law School. He has spearheaded a project to bring weblogs to everyone on campus, and has chosen to include Creative Commons licenses in the default templates.

New Global Vision


New Global Vision is an interesting video project out of Italy. They are aiming to archive videos from around the world to ease the burden of bandwidth on any single download source. They’ve assembled a database of 130 videos so far — all under the Attribution, Noncommerical, Share Alike Creative Commons licenses. New Global Vision…

Franz Liszt, Mixmaster, and J.S. Bach, Klepto


“Time was when the art of arrangement” — the creative reinterpretation of songs — “occupied an honored place in musical composition.” “Bach, Mozart, Liszt and Ravel,” writes Liszt biographer Alan Walker in the New York Times, “were among the many composers who lavished their talents on this important activity, fitting out their own works or…

Blog Comments Enabled


Our weblog now takes comments. So if you’ve got feedback about the several potential license innovations we debuted this week — a sampling option, an educational use option, a link-back requirement, and a safe harbor for commercial search engines — please post your thoughts and let public discussion begin.

Indexterity (Innovation 2b)


This is the fourth in a series of posts calling for comment on potential innovations to our licenses. This post deal with a potential enhancement to the language of our current “noncommercial use” option. Indexterity (Innovation 2b) Our noncommercial language currently includes an explicit safe harbor for file-sharing (which, under U.S. law, is considered to…

The Missing Link? (Innovation 2a)


This is the third in a series of blog postings dedicated to inviting comment on possible innovations to our licenses. Posts 1a and 1b dealt with potential new license options. This post and the one to follow deal with potential refinements of our existing license texts. The Missing Link? (Innovation 2a) Several people have written… (Innovation 1b)


This is the second of several postings describing potential innovations to our licenses. It comes courtesy of Rob Hallman, a Stanford Law School student in the “Advanced Contracts: Creative Commons” seminar. You have the power to make learning fun. At least partly. Promoting education is a personal goal and a corporate mission for many…