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SF Weekly
by press-robot Press“Polishing the Brass” by Garrett Kamps
Lawrence Lessig talk in NYC next week
by matt UncategorizedCreative Commons co-founder and chairman Lawrence Lessig will be giving a talk entitled “Creativity and Its Enemies” next week. The event will take place on March 23rd at Buttenwieser Hall, 92nd Street at Lexington, in New York City. It’s a part of an ongoing series sponsored by Wired Magazine.
Building the perfect hit song
by matt UncategorizedThis is interesting news for musicians — you know how some songs are really catchy and you wonder if the hooks could be engineered to make people like the song? A company called Polyphonic HMI has created software they call “Hit Song Science” which is supposed to contain algorithms that determine if a song is…
Whiteboarding as Art?
by glenn UncategorizedI’m at the Institute for the Future today for the Future of Cooperation Expert Colloqium. (I’m in favor of the future, and cooperation, as it happens, so it’s a good fit.) One of the many interesting things I’ve learned about today is “visual journalism,” which you could also call “whiteboarding for posterity.” Eileen Clegg, who…
Magnatune gets to blogging
by matt UncategorizedJohn Buckman, creator and head of the non-evil, Creative Commons friendly music label Magnatune has started his own blog. A recent gem is the exchange his wife had with a music executive at an industry conference. Great stuff.
Mainstreaming of mash-ups
by matt UncategorizedAt the tail end of last night’s broadcast of ABC’s World News Tonight with Peter Jennings, they did a short piece on music mash-ups (video only available to ABCnews premium subscribers). There’s an interview with Mitch Butler and he does a live mash-up demo of Eminem’s Without Me laid over Scott Joplin’s ragtime piano classics.…
Creative Commons at DSpace
by mike UncategorizedBen Adida, one of our technical advisors, will be talking about Creative Commons at the DSpace User Meeting on Thursday morning at MIT. He will demonstrate the integration of the CC license selection process into the DSpace application. Thanks to the CC License Engine, this development work can be done in a few hours, providing…
Buzznet adds licenses
by matt UncategorizedBuzznet is a photoblog community offering free hosting space for your digital photos and mobile phone shots. They offer image uploads via your web browser and cameraphones using email, making it easy to setup your own gallery of photos. Recently we noticed they became the first photoblogging service to offer the ability to license your…
Recycling Perfected — but Formalized?
by glenn UncategorizedQuestions of the day: Hip-hop artists and DJs have long made a practice of inviting remixes by releasing acapella or instrumental tracks. What stops them from formalizing that invitation with, say, a CC license? Is it that the music-biz lawyers want to reserve the right to hold remixers hostage, in the event they start to…
CC Stories
by glenn UncategorizedJust a quick note to say I just downloaded your MP3 from the site. It’s good to know that my music was good enough to be included in your report. I enjoy fact that other people can appreciate it and use it freely in their own work. Regards, Laurie Laptop My friend Benjamen Walker…