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Help MediaRights find music for festival!


MediaRights, who run the Media that Matters Film Festival, has come across a licensing problem from one of its festival entries. The youth-produced flash animation Neglected Sky sponsored by Global Solutions uses the song Such Great Heights by The Postal Service in their animation, however, they only have a license to stream the song. MediaRights…

CC search index breakdown


Folks love a license distribution breakdown, so here’s another, this from the current index of 1.2 million pages (larger crawls forthcoming) used by the Creative Commons search engine: Allows commercial use Allows derivative works Allows both Audio 32 78 32 Image 19 48 16 Interactive 31 65 27 Text 28 69 23 Video 13 65…

Creative Commons Internship Opportunities


Creative Commons is happy to announce this summer’s internship opportunities at the San Francisco office. If you are interested in applying, please follow the instructions below. Legal Internship Creative Commons is currently accepting resumés from law students interested in interning in the San Francisco office. This paid internship will focus on intellectual property and copyright,…

Creative Commons on Yahoo! Netrospective


To celebrate Yahoo!’s 10th birthday, they created a great Netrospective, highlighting significant events on the Web over the last ten years. We were honored to learn that Creative Commons is number 79 of 100 moments on the Web. Happy birthday Yahoo!



The developers of the amaroK media player for KDE have used the tracks from the WIRED CD as content for their demo Live CD. Boot the CD in a PC and you can try out armaroK with zero installation. Great idea. USB memory and hardware media player vendors take note — you can ship your…

Letter to Hypatia


Carlos Sánchez Almeida, a Spanish abogado and fellow Creative Commons proselytizer, has published an English translation of his talk ‘Carta a Hipatia’, originally delivered by him at the Spanish launch event at the University of Barcelona in October 2004. The paper can be found here. Thanks to all involved in the translation effort and to…

Fine Art of Sampling Contest Winners


The final winners of the Freestyle Mix, and the Milita Mix contests have been announced on Mixter. The top eleven Freestyle Mix entries have won a spot on the Creative Commons release, The WIRED CD — Ripped. Sampled. Mashed. Shared. (playing off the original WIRED CD), and free passes to the M3 Music Summit in…

Too many images


Wunderkind novelist Jonathan Safran Foer and badboy British artist Damien Hirst make unrelated appearances in this week’s New York Times magazine. Unrelated, but for this nice coincidence in how the Net has affected each artist’s craft. From the Jonathan Safran Foer profile: Full-page photographs, all in arty black-and-white, are woven into the narrative, and typography…

License Distribution


Last week we mentioned there were over 5 million web pages linking to Creative Commons licenses. This week, it has come to our attention that Yahoo! has updated their index to find well over 10 million web pages that link to our licenses. If you’re curious at all to see what licenses people are choosing,…

How Many Web Pages Link to a CC License?


At the end of 2003, we were proud to announce that over 1 million web pages had linked to Creative Commons licenses. Today, we are even more proud to say that this number is now well over 5 million web pages. Thanks to you, a vibrant base of free culture is flourishing.