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¿Interasado en ser voluntario en la formación de la Cumbre Global CC en la Ciudad de México?
by Kathryn Drew, Nate Angell Events[Read this post in English >] ¿Ya escuchaste la emocionante noticia de que el CC Global Summit 2023 será en la Ciudad de México? Ahora tienes la oportunidad de ser voluntario y formar parte de los comités que ayudarán a dar forma al programa y podrás evaluar las solicitudes de becas para futuros participantes. Los…
Volunteer to Help Shape CC’s Global Summit in Mexico City
by Kathryn Drew, Nate Angell Events[Lee esta entrada en español >] You’ve heard the exciting news that the 2023 CC Global Summit will be in Mexico City? Now you have the opportunity to volunteer to join the committees that will help shape the program and evaluate applications for participant scholarships. Volunteers are essential to ensure that the CC Summit reflects…
Scanning 3D: Cultural Heritage Preservation, Access and Revitalization
by Brigitte Vézina, Jennryn Wetzler Open CultureOn 7 February 2023, Creative Commons will host a panel discussion on 3D scanning, preservation, access and revitalization of cultural heritage. As 3D technologies advance and cultural heritage institutions around the world seek better ways to enable people to engage with their collections, we also see cultural artifacts threatened by global climate change, armed conflict,…
CC Open Education Platform Lightning Talks: Join us on 2 February 2023
by Jennryn Wetzler Open EducationThe Creative Commons Open Education Platform community welcomes you to our Lightning Talks, or seven-minute presentations on specific updates or stories in open education. Kicking off our Lightning Talks series for 2023, presenters will highlight: open educational resources (OER) as tools for social justice, work/life balance, climate change and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals…
CC’s #BetterSharing Collection | January: Open Palms, Not Clutching Fists
by Ony Anukem About CC, Open CreativityAs part of #20CC, last year we joined forces with Fine Acts to spark a global dialogue on what better sharing looks like in action. Our #BetterSharing collection of illustrations was the result — we gathered insights from 12 prominent open advocates around the world and tasked 12 renowned artists who embrace openness with transforming…
Aparta la fecha: la Cumbre Global de Creative Commons 2023 llegará a la Ciudad de México
by Creative Commons Events[Read this post in English >] La Cumbre Global de Creative Commons volverá a ser un evento presencial este 2023, y esta vez se llevará a cabo en una de las ciudades más imponentes y llenas de cultura del mundo: ¡la Ciudad de México! Del 3 al 6 de octubre de 2023, nos reuniremos en…
Mark Your Calendars: The 2023 CC Global Summit Is Coming to Mexico City
by Creative Commons Events[Lee esta entrada en español >] We are thrilled to announce that the Creative Commons Global Summit will return to an in-person event in 2023, and this time we are heading to one of the most vibrant and culturally rich cities in the world — Mexico City! During 3-6 October 2023, we will be gathering…
2023: The Year of Open Science
by Cable Green, Monica Granados Open Science2023 is the year of the rabbit in the Chinese Lunar calendar, the year Voyager 2 is predicted to overtake Pioneer 10 as the second-farthest spacecraft from Earth, and the Year of Open Science. In an announcement by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), 2023 was declared the Year of Open…
Coming Soon! Season 2 of Open Culture VOICES
by Brigitte Vézina, Connor Benedict Open CultureOpen Culture is a growing sector of the open movement around the world, with museums, galleries, archives and libraries increasingly making collections available and accessible online. The Open Culture VOICES series aims to shine a light on the leaders and advocates in the sector to inspire others and increase the accessibility and availability of cultural…
Bringing Better Sharing to Davos
by Anna Tumadóttir Better Internet, CopyrightCreative Commons is in Davos this week for the World Economic Forum (WEF). While CC is not (yet) a formal member of the forum, there is extensive programming available to the public that touches on our work. As we strive to strengthen the voice of civil society and promote better sharing of knowledge and culture…