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CC in Torino, June 26-30
by mike EventsPhoto by Chensiyuan / CC BY-SA Two fantastic Creative Commons and related events happening in Turin, Italy late this month, with registration deadlines fast approaching. June 26 is a one day CC Technology Summit. This is the place to be for learning how CC and others are using the Semantic Web to support open and…
Public (UK) perception of copyright, public sector information, and CC
by mike About CCThe UK Office of Public Sector Information has published a report on public understanding of copyright, in particular Crown Copyright, the default status of UK government works … and Creative Commons. It contains interesting findings, though I really wish it had included two additional questions. Among the general (UK) public, 71% agree that government should…
CC as a hybrid organization and a tool for hybrids
by mike About CCUsed in connection with Creative Commons the word “hybrid” has typically denoted an “economy” or “models” involving both sharing and commerce. Over half of CC founder Lawrence Lessig’s most recent book is devoted to exploring this sort of hybrid — see Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy. CC licenses are a…
Remix NYC: Get Your Face In The Opening NYC Screening of "Rip! A Remix Manifesto"
by cameron EventsTimes Square, J Gutierrez | CC BY June is turning into quite the month for the NYC CC-community with both a CC Salon and the Open Video Conference taking place. For added enjoyment, Open Source Cinema just announced Remix NYC, a digital celebration to commemorate the theatrical opening of Rip! A Remix Manifesto at the… Helps You Attribute and Track Images
by fbenenson UncategorizedYoutils is an online service that enables content owners to track how their online images are being used on sites hosting their content. Right now, the site supports our Creative Commons Attribution license. When you sign up and upload your images as an owner, you can see interesting metrics such as where images and photos…
Announcing June’s CC Salon NYC / Official OVC Pre-party
by fbenenson EventsAfter taking a break for a bit (things have been busy at CC) I’m happy to announce our June Salon, which we’ll be partnering with the Open Video Conference on. Think of it as a Salon and the official OVC pre-party. So come out to have some beers with the CC community watch some cool…
Announcing June’s CC Salon NYC / Official OVC Pre-party
by fbenenson EventsAfter taking a break for a bit (things have been busy at CC) I’m happy to announce our June Salon, which we’ll be partnering with the Open Video Conference on. Think of it as a Salon and the official OVC pre-party. So come out to have some beers with the CC community watch some cool…
ccMixter: Using our Imaginashun with CC0, an Upgrade and Podcast
by victor Open CultureThe Creative Commons’ sponsored music community, ccMixter, has had a busy week. Imaginashun Remixes DJ Vadim, featured and interviewed last week, put out a Call for Remixes for his new album U Can’t Lurn Imaginashun and the remixes are the community has responded in kind and some amazing remixes are starting to come in. CC0…
Outreach -> Product Manager
by fbenenson UncategorizedOver the last year I’ve been fortunate enough to work with individuals, organizations, and movements as Creative Commons’ Outreach Manager. Starting this week, I will be applying this experience to a new role at CC as our Product Manager for the Creative Commons Network. I’ll still be working in NYC and free to meet about…
ccSalon SF 6/24/09
by allison EventsWe hope you can join us at the next ccSalon SF when we will explore the digital intersection of art, history, and culture, and how CC can play a defining role in enriching all three. Our presenters for the evening: * Francesco Spagnolo, Director of Research and Collections at the Magnes Museum in Berkeley. Francesco…