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The Textmapping Project


The Textmapping Project is a site aiming to improve reading comprehension by providing tutorials for teachers, homeschoolers, and education researchers. The practice of textmapping involves creating large scrolls containing information. Information presented in this way allows students to get an idea of the “big picture” and helps them figure out ways of gleaning relevant information…

As the Classics go Public


Book Magazine recently published a list of the 50 best-selling classics in 2002, and blogger Eliot Landrum decided to improve upon it. He looked up the date that every book on the list is set to go into the public domain in the US (10 of the 50 already are), and republished the list here.…

Care to Remix? Visit Common Content


There is a lot of great Creative Commons licensed work at Common Content — much of it — licensed to allow you, to remix and make derivative works. If you are entering the Creative Commons Moving Image Contest, Common Content would be a good source of seed material to remix as part of your entry.…

Creative Commons Moving Image Contest


GET CREATIVE! Enter the Creative Commons Moving Image Contest. Make a 2-minute moving image that describes Creative Commons’ mission. Win a computer, a digital video camera, or an iPod. An amazing panel of judges will select winners. Please read the official rules.

MIT Everyware


The September issue of Wired Magazine features an article called “MIT Everyware” about the OpenCourseWare project, which aims to offer material from every course at MIT, all under a Creative Commons license. As the article suggests, various educational organizations around the world have sprung up to help translate and disseminate the materials. Here’s a translation…



This week’s featured content is a new site called WikiTravel that takes an innovative, community approach to sharing travel information. The site is based on a Wiki, which is a bit of web software that allows anyone to edit and create new pages, giving a community of interested users the power to expand the content…

Lawrence Solum on Copynorms


Lawrence Solum runs the Legal Theory Blog and recently wrote a piece on “Copynorms”, the “informal social attitudes about the rightness or wrongness of duplicating material that is copyrighted.” He describes a few scenarios that might come out of the recording industry’s pending lawsuits against filetraders, and what effect (if any) that will have on…

The Speech Accent Archive


A great new audio project worth highlighting is the Speech Accent Archive at George Mason University. It features 264 native and non-native speakers reading the same paragraph in english. Ever wonder what a Romanian from Bucharest sounds like in relation to a Boston accent? Look no further, as it is all released under a Creative…

Raymond vanderWoning's Photos


This week we’re featuring the photography of Raymond A. vanderWoning. His photos feature subjects from flowers and bugs to signs and people and his about page carries a thoughtful piece on how and why he licenses all his photos. A hobbyist photographer at heart, Raymond’s closing statement gets to the heart of it all: Information…