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Illegitimate Offspring


Salon has two good stories this weekend on mash-ups (also known, across the pond, as “bastard pop”): 1, 2. These older Salon stories on the same subject, from 2002 and 1998, provide a couple of nice reference points. If this is all just a trend, it’s a sure and steady one. Read about Creative Commons’…

Nothing So Strange Movie


This week’s featured content is the open-source film “Nothing So Strange.” While the whole film is protected by full copyright, individual clips can be downloaded for a nominal fee (a few cents in most cases), with the film’s footage available for reuse, remix, and commercial use in any other work provided attribution is given. It’s…

OYEZ Press


“Getting audio recordings of landmark legal arguments is becoming as easy as downloading the latest Snoop Dogg single.” There are two nice pieces on the OYEZ project’s recent release of Supreme Court audio under Creative Commons licenses in the New York Times and AP today, among a few other places.