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A Conversation with the Conversation: transforming journalism with a CC license

The Conversation AU Front Page

Independent, open, not-for-profit news sources can help safeguard against the spread of misinformation, particularly on the viral web. The Conversation takes their role as journalists, researchers, and academics seriously. As an international nonprofit producing strong independent journalism, their aim is brings important academic research to the Web through editorial curation and collaboration. Launched in 2011…

A month of Slack: Growing global communities every day

About CC

About a month ago, CC moved its daily communications to Slack, the team messaging service popular with communities around the world. You can read more about our decision here. What a month it’s been. We’ve seen our daily community grow to nearly 500 users, with an average of 110 people posting every day. We’ve also…

Inching Towards Open at California College of the Arts

Open Access

Eric Phetteplace is a fellow from our first Institute for Open Leadership, held in San Francisco in January 2015. He is a librarian at California College of the Arts.  I was a member of the inaugural Institute for Open Leadership in 2015. I’m the Systems Librarian at California College of the Arts (CCA), and my IOL…