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Category: About CC

Announcing October's CC Salon NYC


CC Salon NYC is back with a brand new home! The Open Planning Project has generously offered their incredible penthouse for the October salon. So come out to have some beers with the CC community watch some cool presentations, and meet some new faces in the free culture space. October’s Salon will feature short presentations…

Software Freedom Day is September 19th


It should be no surprise that here at CC, we’re huge fans of Free Software. Every bit we release, from our JS Widget to the code running the CC Network itself to our Facebook Application is free software. That’s why we think its important to celebrate Software Freedom Day on Saturday, September 19th. There are…

Creative Commons Publishes Study of “Noncommercial Use”

About CC

San Francisco, California, USA — September 14, 2009 Creative Commons announces the publication of Defining “Noncommercial”: A Study of How the Online Population Understands “Noncommercial Use.” The report details the results of a research study launched in September 2008 to explore differences between commercial and noncommercial uses of content found online, as those uses are…

Creative Commons Publishes Study of “Noncommercial Use”

About CC

San Francisco, California, USA — September 14, 2009 Creative Commons announces the publication of Defining “Noncommercial”: A Study of How the Online Population Understands “Noncommercial Use.” The report details the results of a research study launched in September 2008 to explore differences between commercial and noncommercial uses of content found online, as those uses are…

Does your sharing scale?

About CC

Hannes Grobe / CC BY-SA Techdirt’s Mike Masnick is perhaps the most prolific blogger on the ill impact of overly restrictive legal regimes, including of course copyright and patents, but also trademark and even employment law (see Noncompete Agreements Are The DRM Of Human Capital) and often on people delivering real value to customers (sad…

Join Creative Commons for Mozilla Service Week September 14-21


Mozilla Service Week is happening September 14-21, 2009, and during that week Mozilla is trying to bring people together to help teach one another about the web. Creative Commons is answering Mozilla’s call for participation by hosting an online help desk via our IRC channel. Our IRC channel (#cc on the Freenode network) is typically…

ccNewsletter #14: Update from Joi Ito, CEO

About CC

Check out the latest ccNewsletter, available to download in PDF format for your reading pleasure as you catch up on the latest CC news. It opens with a special update from CEO Joi Ito, and includes CC’s most exciting recent developments in arts & culture, science, education, and internationally. From groundbreaking CC integrations with Google…

OneWebDay 2009 is September 22nd


It is September again, and that means OneWebDay is just around the corner on September 22nd. One Web Day is a once-a-year celebration of all that is good about the Web, and was launched in 2006 by Susan Crawford. You might recognize Susan’s name as President Obama’s Special Assistant for Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy.…

3rd CC Community Call (8/18/09) recording now online

Events, Open Culture

We hosted our third community conference call last Tuesday, August 18. Donors were invited to join members of CC’s staff and board, including CEO Joi Ito and new Board Member Glenn Otis Brown, to hear updates from CC’s most recent board meeting, which included an overview of the steps we are taking to develop CC…

ccSalon SF (8/12/09) Audio Now Online


Thanks to everyone who made it out to our ccSalon in San Francisco last Wednesday. We had a great turn-out, excellent presentations and discussion on CC and open source, and refreshments, all of which made for a delightful evening in PariSoMa‘s inviting space. Couldn’t make it to the salon? Fear not! You can now download…