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Category: Open Knowledge

CC Open Education: 2024 Year in Review

Open Education
Photo of Empty Classroom by Diana. Public Domain.

Photo of Empty Classroom by Diana. Public Domain. The Open Education program at Creative Commons works to support CC’s mission through education, advocacy, and outreach on using open licenses and open licensing policies to maximize the benefits of open education (content, practices and policy). We work closely with governments, educational institutions and organizations to open…

From Recommendations to Implementation: Increasing Access to Climate Data for Earth Intelligence

Open Access, Open Climate, Open Science
"Earth" by Kevin Gill is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Screenshot by Creative Commons is licensed under CC BY 4.0. Earlier this year, Creative Commons published our Recommendations for Better Sharing of Climate Data, a seminal resource to help national and intergovernmental climate data-producing agencies use legal terms, licenses, and metadata values that ensure climate data is accessible, shareable, and reusable. Our goal is to…

CC Certificate Alumni Making a Global Impact

CC Certificate, Open Education, Policy
Farmer Melese Tsegaye blows to clean and select wheat seed in his field, Kingbird variety wheat from Kulumsa Research Station” by International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center is licensed via CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

Launched in 2018, the Creative Commons Certificate program has trained and graduated nearly 1800 people from 66 countries. The Certificate program offers in-depth courses about CC licenses, open practices, and the ethos of the Commons. Our staff is constantly inspired by our community of Certificate alumni, accomplishing incredible things. In this interview, we were delighted…

The CC Open Education Platform Funds Five New Community Projects

Community, Open Education
Image of people on the top of a verdant mountain, which is on top of a skateboard.
Together We Can Move Mountains” by Steve McCarthy for Fine Acts x OBI is licensed via

Thanks to the CC Open Education Platform community’s time proposing projects and voting on the  proposals, we now have five winning ideas to advance open education globally. CC will fund five projects in 2024, spanning Brazil, Ghana, Nepal, and Nigeria. The CC Open Education Platform is also funding ongoing global community work supporting the UNESCO…

Creative Commons and University of Nebraska at Omaha Partner on a Microcredential Course

CC Certificate, Open Education
Badge listing “University of Nebraska Omaha x Creative Commons” and “Intro to OER” on left. Image of a person reaching for images associated with learning, flowing out of a book on the right. Images include a check mark, paper, light bulb band atom symbol.

Creative Commons is proud to announce the launch of “Introduction to Open Educational Resources,” our first professional development microcredential course and partnership with the University of Nebraska at Omaha, commencing on 31 May. This microcredential pilot started with one CC Certificate alumnus’s enthusiasm for open education. Craig Finlay, OER and STEM Librarian at the University…

CC’s take on the European Media Freedom Act

Open Journalism
Man lying on bench reading newspaper.
The Artist's Father, Reading a Newspaper” by Albert Engström - 1892 - Nationalmuseum Sweden, Sweden - Public Domain.

Last month, the European Parliament and Council gave the green light to an important piece of legislation: the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA). In this blog post, we look at the aims of the EMFA and why it matters for Creative Commons (CC) and everyone’s right to access trustworthy information.

CC Supports a new Digital Knowledge Act for Europe

Copyright, Open Access, Open Data, Open Knowledge, Open Science, Policy
A medieval manuscript representing three richly-clad women in front of a green, hilly landscape with castles in the background.
Anonymous, “Prudence, Wisdom and Knowledge”, National Library of the Netherlands, Public Domain Mark.

Anonymous, “Prudence, Wisdom and Knowledge”, National Library of the Netherlands, Public Domain Mark.  In December last year, the Communia Association for the Public Domain — of which Creative Commons (CC) is a member —  asked the European Commission and European Parliament to consider the development of a Digital Knowledge Act. In this blog post, we…