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Category: Copyright

Create Refresh Campaign: Stop the EU Copyright Censorship Machine


The Create Refresh campaign is a new project to highlight the concerns of creators regarding the EU’s proposed changes to copyright law. Supporting organisations include Creative Commons, Kennisland, La Quadrature du Net, and others. Create Refresh is “calling on creators to be part of a movement to defend their right to create. [The] ultimate aim…

TPP continues without the worst copyright provisions


Civil society organisations including Creative Commons helped deliver a win against the restrictive IP terms of the TPP, which were developed secret and would have locked down content and restricted user rights. For the last five years the Creative Commons community has been organising against the restrictive copyright provisions put forth in the Trans-Pacific Partnership…

2nd World OER Congress + 2017 Ljubljana OER Action Plan

Copyright, Open Education

30 ministers of education and 690 members of the open education community (140 of them virtual) from 111 nations convened in Ljubljana, Slovenia at the 2nd OER World Congress with the goal of mainstreaming open education to meet the education targets in the United Nations SDG4. In addition to the 3-day Congress program, there were 21 satellite sessions…

Tratado de livre comércio União Europeia-Mercosul prejudicaria os direitos dos usuários e o conjunto de bens comuns (commons)


Hoje, a Creative Commons publicou uma análise do projeto de capítulo de propriedade intelectual do acordo de livre comércio entre a União Europeia e o Mercosul, que abarca diversos aspectos vinculados a direitos de autor e direitos conexos. Nós examinamos questões que seriam prejudiciais ao domínio público, à criatividade e ao compartilhamento, e envolvendo os…

El tratado de libre comercio Unión Europea-Mercosur dañará los comunes y los derechos de los usuarios


Hoy Creative Commons publicó un análisis del borrador del capítulo de propiedad intelectual del acuerdo de libre comercio entre la Unión Europea y el Mercosur, que abarca varios aspectos vinculados al derecho de autor. Examinamos cuestiones que irían en detrimento del dominio público y serían perjudiciales para la creatividad, el intercambio y para los derechos…