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Category: Uncategorized

Wiki* milestones and mania


Photo by Bernard Gagnon / CC BY-SA ReadWriteWeb* writes that English Wikipedia just passed the 3 million article mark. While this is a great accomplishment that will surely be widely reported, RWW correctly highlights that “Wikipedia” is much more than the English site: The family of sites as a whole has more than 13 million…

CC Network "a truly inspirational approach"


Chris Messina on OpenID: the unseen branded revenue opportunity: What better way to both support Creative Commons and show off your patronage than by identifying yourself across the web with your very own unique, secure, privacy-protecting OpenID (just like Zach Beauvais)? For a mere $50 minimum donation ($25 for students), you can own a…

Code Rush Now Available Under CC BY-NC-SA

Uncategorized reports that Code Rush — the commercially-unavailable documentary from 2000 about the open-sourcing of the Netscape code base and the Mozilla project which gave birth to Firefox, is now available under our Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. This is a crucial part of the Internet’s history so we highly recommend you watch it and share it with…

Smithsonian Commons and Sustainable Content Usage Policies


On Thursday, Michael Edson of the Smithsonian posted on the Smithsonian 2.0 blog that they had released their “Web and New Media Strategy” with the purpose of laying a groundwork for a Smithsonian Commons: The strategy talks about an updated digital experience, a new learning model that helps people with their “lifelong learning journeys,” and…

Copyright tools


Last year, I blogged about the Copyright Advisory Network‘s nifty digital copyright slider, a tool that helps you tell whether a work is still copyrighted or whether it’s in the public domain. Since then, the OITP at ALA (Office for Information Technology Policy of the American Library Association) has developed and published two new tools:…

Poland's Version 3.0 Licenses Now Online


Internationalization is an essential aspect and major strength of Creative Commons. Our global efforts focus not only on establishing new jurisdiction projects, but also on working closely with long-standing national projects to upgrade localized licenses and to strengthen the commons worldwide. CC Poland, one of the earliest jurisdictions to found a national Creative Commons project,…

Creative Commons VP Mike Linksvayer on NBC's "Press:Here"


Yesterday morning, “Press:Here” – a new technology news TV show produced by NBC in the San Francisco Bay Area – aired an interview with Creative Commons Vice President Mike Linksvayer. The episode serves as a nice primer to CC; in it, Mike gives some of our backstory and talks about how people and organizations are…

Community, Innovation, and Rights on the Web Essay Contest


CIENTEC, the Foundation for the National Center for Science and Technology based in Costa Rica, has announced its XI (eleventh) annual National Science Essay contest (the second to come out in both English and Spanish). The contest is open to all high school students around the country, inviting them to write on this year’s theme,…