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Category: Uncategorized

Open Milton


Happy Belated Birthday John Milton! The poet that English majors belabor and grow to know so well turned 400 earlier this week, and to celebrate, the Open Knowledge Foundation launched Open Milton. What is Open Milton? Open Milton is “an open set of Milton’s works, together with ancillary information and tools, in a form designed for…

CCi and Wikimedia Germany in closer collaboration, shared office space


Creative Commons International (CCi) is moving! Leaving our office in Berlin-Mitte, we’ll be moving to Berlin-Schöneberg to share workspace with Wikimedia Germany. Our move builds upon existing collaborations with local Wikimedia projects and the hope of continued support and unified efforts. To date, CCi has teamed up with Wikimedia Serbia, one of the institutional hosts…

Australia's census going CC BY


In a small, easy to miss post, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has made a very exciting announcement. They’re going CC – and under an Attribution-only license, no less. From the ABS website: Creative Commons provides a spectrum of licensing for the use of intellectual property between full copyright and public domain – in…

NonCommercial study questionnaire extended to December 14


Creative Commons is conducting a study on the meaning of “NonCommercial” and you can weigh in by answering a detailed questionnaire on the subject. We’ve extended the deadline for participation to December 14 (originally December 7) as we’re still getting healthy response via all those who blogged about the questionnaire this week. Full disclosure: taking…

OpenID and the CC Network


One of the key benefits of becoming a Creative Commons Network member is the OpenID login feature. In this blog post, we’ll cover the basics of OpenID and why having a Creative Commons Network OpenID is particularly interesting to users who care about their privacy. We’ll also point out the risks of using OpenID and…

Bulgarian President Chooses CC BY ND


The official website of the Bulgarian President Georgi Parvanov is now available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.5 Bulgarian license. Bulgaria’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been releasing its material under the same license since 2006, but ordinarily, these websites would be under full copyright, explains CC Bulgaria Project Lead Veni Markovski. “Bulgaria has taken…

Collaborative Statistics — An Open Textbook Model


One of the most exciting sub-movements within open education is the current revolution regarding the evolution of textbooks. Old-fashioned publishers would often (and still do) rack up prices to hundreds of dollars per textbook, but this business model is rapidly changing to favor vastly cheaper educational resources based on more open licensing policies. One driver…

Collaborative Statistics — An Open Textbook Model


One of the most exciting sub-movements within open education is the current revolution regarding the evolution of textbooks. Old-fashioned publishers would often (and still do) rack up prices to hundreds of dollars per textbook, but this business model is rapidly changing to favor vastly cheaper educational resources based on more open licensing policies. One driver…'s Choice Already Bearing Fruit


Less than 72 hours after the Obama-Biden Transition Team adopted our most permissive license for, Cerado Ventana has built a iPhone, mobile application, and widget. We will never know if this application would have been built if hadn’t chosen such a permissive license, but it just goes to show what interesting things…