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Category: Uncategorized

Diesel Sweeties Archive Released Under CC License


rstevens (the r is for Richard), creator of popular webcomic Diesel Sweeties, announced on his blog that starting today he will be releasing the entire Diesel Sweeties archive for free under a CC BY-NC license. The archive contains close to 2,000 web comics, offering massive potential for to interesting reuses (via Boing Boing): By my…

2nd COMMUNIA Workshop: Ethical Public Domain


The second COMMUNIA workshop, Ethical Public Domain: Debate of Questionable Practices, will take place on Monday, March 31 in the geographic center of Europe: Vilnius, Lithuania. The workshop will host ten rounds of debates on issues concerning to the public domain and related policies and practices, followed by a press conference inviting the media and…

Monopoly Shuffle: A Remix Contest


On May 28-30, The Center for Intellectual Property at the University of Maryland University College will be hosting a symposium focused on U.S. copyright monopoly, technological innovation and higher education institutions titled “Monopoly: Playing the Innovation Game”. The symposium will take place at the UMUC Inn and Conference Center in metro Washington D.C. Tied into…

OpenMoko CC Licenses CAD Files for Neo1973


OpenMoko, makers of the first true open source phone (previously blogged here), have recently expanded the meaning of ‘open source design’ by licensing the CAD (computer-aided design) files for their flagship model, the Neo1973, under a CC BY-SA license. In doing so, OpenMoko not only allow industrial designers a peek inside the Neo1973 to see…

Orange Music, Austrian CC Music Platform


Austria now has a music platform, Orange Music, featuring exclusively CC licensed music with over 88 bands on board for launch day. Orange Music seems to accept submissions rather readily, and while the platform focuses primarily on Austrian groups, international contributions seem welcome as well.

Creative Commons releases LiveContent 2.0


Creative Commons is pleased to announce the release of LiveContent 2.0, a LiveDVD of Creative Commons-licensed multimedia content and free and open source software. LiveContent allows users to explore open content such as music, video, photography, books, and educational materials that can be freely used, copied, and built upon. From the press release: The LiveContent…

CC Licensed Test for African Sleeping Sickness


This came through our RSS readers this week via Boing Boing and is really quite amazing, showing the power CC licenses can have in advancing positive results outside of culture and technology (the findings are released online, along with detailed instructions, under a CC BY license): Australian scientists have developed a blood test for African…

2008 Summer Internships – Deadline Extension


In case you missed it, we have extended our deadline for 2008 Summer Intern Applications to March 21, meaning that you have two more weeks to get all the necessary materials submitted! The CC internships are a great opportunity to engage with the CC-community as a whole and actively experience the amazing opportunities the bay…



Thanks to Alessandro for alerting us to kunstderfuge, the largest resource of classical music in MIDI format online. kunstderfuge is a subsidiary of OnClassical, the CC-friendly Italian net-label we featured earlier here. At kunstderfuge, there are complete piano works by Beethoven, Chopin, Haydn, Mozart, Bach, original piano rolls (including sacred hymns, medieval and renaissance music,…