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Meet CC Summit Presenter: Subha Das Mollick

Events post

Next up in our ‘Meet the CC Summit Presenter’ series, Subha Das Mollick tells us what she’s looking forward to at the summit. Subha, a media teacher and documentary filmmaker, has explored various subjects in her films. A post graduate in Physics, she switched over to media after more than ten years of teaching Physics…

Meet the CC Summit Presenter: Laura Santana

Events post

Meet Laura Santana — joining us as presenter at this year’s 2021 CC Global Summit (September 20-24). Laura is a librarian from Latin America and holds a Master’s degree in Information Science from the University of São Paulo, Brazil. She is a researcher in the field of Information & Culture, and specialist in User Engagement…

Meet CC Summit Presenter: Dr. Suma Parahakaran

Events post

Dr. Suma Parahakaran is one of our presenters at the 2021 CC Global Summit, taking place 20-24 September. In advance of her session at Summit, we caught up with her for a quick Q&A. Suma is currently pursuing her second PhD in Bioethics and Environmental Education at the American University of Sovereign Nations. Suma has…

Meet the CC Summit Presenter: Arturo Sánchez Pineda

Events post

We launched the ‘Meet the CC Summit Presenter’ series to introduce the CC community to our fantastic presenters at this year’s CC Global Summit, taking place September 20-24. Next up, we sit down with Arturo Sánchez Pineda. Arturo is a Venezuelan researcher (PhD) in physics, computer science and education. He lives in Europe and develops his…

Introducing the CC Global Summit Program Committee

Events post

We are grateful to introduce our Summit Program Committee! This year’s program wouldn’t be possible without this amazing group of volunteers, and we want to thank them for their dedication to creating a groundbreaking program so we can gather again to learn, share and create! Special thanks to our co-chairs Brigitte Vézina and John Okewole.…

Twenty years of CC


Creative Commons empowers people, institutions, and governments to openly share content to advance knowledge, equity, and creativity for everyone, everywhere. Throughout modern history, access to knowledge has been deliberately and unjustly denied to many, limiting our collective ability to solve the world’s most pressing challenges.  That’s why, in 2001, we came up with a simple…

Meet Your New Global Network Council Executive Committee!

Community post
GNC ExCom Featured Image

In December 2020 the Creative Commons Global Network Council (GNC) voted on the new Executive Committee (ExCom). The ExCom took up its work in January 2021 and will be working throughout the next year and beyond by supporting the Network, fostering and strengthening connections, and encouraging activities around the new CC Strategy.  Meet the six…

Her Story: Transforming Open Through Feminism

Community post

For over 40 years, millions across the globe have collectively celebrated the achievements, histories, ideas, and contributions of women on March 8 and increasingly, throughout March for Women’s History Month using #HerStory and #BecauseOfHerStory. This year, we wanted to do something special to celebrate this annual event, so we reached out to several members of…