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New Regional Coordinators for CC in Europe

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John Weitzmann / DTKindler / CC BY Gwen Franck / Gwen Franck / All Rights Reserved I am very happy to introduce our two new European Regional Coordinators – John Weitzmann and Gwen Franck. Creative Commons has volunteer teams in over 70 countries, including 35 in Europe, all of whom work to support and promote…

New Annual Report and Strategy Document

About CC post

Creative Commons has grown tremendously since we started. As we approached the milestone of our 10th birthday, and with a new CEO on board, we began an intensive review of our progress and priorities. Sometimes you need to use big milestones to stop and see where you are, and occasionally you find that decisions made…



Thank you to our supporters We gratefully acknowledge contributions from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Arcadia Fund, the Argosy Foundation, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, MHz Foundation, the Michelson 20MM Foundation, Google, Microsoft, Mozilla, the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, Filecoin Foundation,…

California public access bill moves to Assembly floor vote

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After passing through the Assembly Appropriations Committee last week (with bipartisan support), California’s Taxpayer Access to Publicly Funded Research Act (AB 609) will now reach the Assembly floor for a vote this week. If the proposed bill passes the Assembly, it will move to the California State Senate. To recap, AB 609 would require that…

Deciphering licensing in Project Open Data

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Two weeks ago we wrote about the U.S. Executive Order and announcement of Project Open Data, an open source project (managed on Github) that lays out the implementation details behind behind the President’s Executive Order and memo. The project offers more information on open licenses, and gives examples of acceptable licenses for U.S. federal data.…

Free Wikipedia course offered through the School of Open

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Have you ever looked at an article on Wikipedia and thought, “this could really use some work”? With the free online course “Writing Wikipedia Articles: The Basics and Beyond,” offered through the School of Open, you have the opportunity to take the next step. In the course, you will learn about both the technical and…

Now Hiring: LRMI Project Manager

Open Education post

CC swag IV / Peter Shanks / CC BY Creative Commons is looking for a LRMI Project Manager. This person will play a key role in leading the LRMI project. From the job description: We are looking for a Project Manager to lead the Learning Resource Metadata Initiative (LRMI), a project co-led by Creative Commons…

LRMI Accepted into

Open Education post

The Learning Resource Metadata Initiative (LRMI) specification (14 properties) has been accepted and published as a part of, the collaboration between major search engines Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Yandex (press release). This marks the culmination of a year’s worth of open collaboration with the LRMI Technical Working Group and the wider education publishing community.…

Open Course Library releases 39 more high-enrollment courses

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OCL How-to Guide / SBCTC / CC BY A year and a half ago, the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) released the first 42 of Washington state’s 81 high-enrollment courses under the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY). Now they have released the remaining 39 under the same terms, which means…