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Learning Music Monthly, CC-Licensed Music Series, Launches

Open Culture post

Learning Music Monthly is a new subscription-based, album-a-month, musical series from L.A.-based musician John Wood. Launched yesterday in partnership with CC-friendly record label vosotros, Learning Music Monthly grows out of a previous and similar project that began as an album-a-month project for John Wood and his musical cohorts, resulting in releases that ranged from a…

JoCo Looks Back on LegalTorrents

Copyright, Open Culture post

We’ve posted all of the data that was offered on Jonathan Coulton’s “JoCo Looks Back” USB jump drive promotion on LegalTorrents. The zip file contains the entire “JoCo Looks Back” album (also available on CD for $15 from plus all of the separated source audio files from each track, all licensed under our Attribution-NonCommerical…

CC Community Call recording now online

Uncategorized post

On Monday, February 23, 2009, we hosted our first community conference call. Donors who have given a gift of at least $250 to CC were invited to join members of CC’s staff and board, including CEO Joi Ito and Board Chair Jamie Boyle, to discuss what 2009 will look like for Creative Commons, in terms…

Day Of Sharing

About CC post

Techdirt’s Mike Masnick, responding to a proposal for a day of sharingstealing: Gibbs is simply showing his own ignorance of the difference between scarce and infinite goods. That’s because his “Day of Sharing” is a recommendation that people steal (yes, steal!) physical things. He claims that this will show people that sharing music is stealing…

CC Salon Boston is Tonight!

Events post

In conjunction with Pecha Kucha Boston 8, there will be a CC Salon tonight in Boston. Here are the details: CC Salon Boston 1 Wed Feb 25 Mantra, 52 Temple Pl, Boston (near Park St T) Co-hosted by Creative Commons, Participatory Culture Foundation and Pecha Kucha Boston. Doors open at 630p for drinks and chit…

Beijing Symposium on Common Use Licensing for Scientific Literature and Data

Events post

An international symposium on Common Use Licensing for Scientific Literature and Data will be held on March 25, 2009 in Beijing, China. This one-day symposium, initiated by Creative Commons China Mainland, will review the rationale, practice, and issues associated with the application of Creative Commons/Science Commons “common use” licenses to scientific literature and data in…

Remix Georgia Wonder via Mixable

Open Culture post

Georgia Wonder, the UK band who made headlines earlier this year for encouraging their fans to share their music, is participating in this year’s annual MIXABLE contest to support UK schools. The band has made the separated audio tracks from their song “Girl You Never Knew” available for download in both WAV and AIFF files…

MuseumPods Launches Creative Commons License Functionality

Open Culture post

You’ll recall that we did a survey in collaboration with MuseumPods back in November asking basic questions about podcasting, MuseumPods, and Creative Commons. We’ve decided to release a summary of the results from the survey as one big PNG file (785px × 5080px, 170kb). This file was created using the Summary function of Google Doc’s…

University of Michigan Library

Open Education post

Over the past year, the University of Michigan Library has shown itself to be particularly sensible in regards to open content licensing, the public domain, and issues of copyright in the digital age. The U-M Library has integrated public domain book machines, adopted CC licensing for their content, and independently had their Copyright Specialist, Molly…