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Creative Commons International and Wikimedia Germany in closer collaboration, shared office space

About CC post

Berlin, Germany Building on existing collaborations with local Wikimedia projects, Creative Commons International (CCi) will be moving its current office in Berlin-Mitte to Berlin-Schöneberg to share workspace with Wikimedia Germany. The move reflects the organizations’ growing efforts and long-standing mutual support. Wikimedia Germany, the first independent national Wikimedia chapter, is known the world over for…

Creative Commons and Collective Intelligence / Program for the Future

Events post

Monday and Tuesday next week the Program for the Future Conference celebrates the 40th anniversary of Doug Engelbart’s famous Demo, which presaged much of modern computing, in 1968 (related in some ways, see Creative Commons 1967). From the conference website: Engelbart dreamed of technology and tools that increased our Collective Intelligence and a stunning example…

NonCommercial study questionnaire extended to December 14

Uncategorized post

Creative Commons is conducting a study on the meaning of “NonCommercial” and you can weigh in by answering a detailed questionnaire on the subject. We’ve extended the deadline for participation to December 14 (originally December 7) as we’re still getting healthy response via all those who blogged about the questionnaire this week. Full disclosure: taking…

Nine Inch Nails' CC-licensed album nominated for a Grammy Award

Open Culture post

This week, the Grammy Awards nominations were announced – and, for the first time, a Creative Commons-licensed track and album are on the list. Nine Inch Nails’ “34 Ghosts IV” is nominated for Best Rock Instrumental Performance, while the album that track appears on, Ghosts I-IV, is up for Best Boxed Or Special Limited Edition…

New Jay Bennett album released under a CC license

Open Culture post

Former Wilco member Jay Bennett is an incredibly talented singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and producer who has just put out his fifth solo album, Whatever Happened I Apologize, as a free download under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial license. For the release, Bennett is working with Rock Proper, an online distributor of CC-licensed music. The company has…

OpenID and the CC Network

Uncategorized post

One of the key benefits of becoming a Creative Commons Network member is the OpenID login feature. In this blog post, we’ll cover the basics of OpenID and why having a Creative Commons Network OpenID is particularly interesting to users who care about their privacy. We’ll also point out the risks of using OpenID and…

Tonight! Lawrence Lessig REMIX Book Talk in San Mateo

Events post

No plans for this evening? If you’re in the SF Bay Area, consider stopping by and hearing Lawrence Lessig give a reading from his latest book, REMIX, TONIGHT at 7PM at the Barnes & Noble in San Mateo. This will be a great time to meet the founder of Creative Commons and hear more about…