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Join us for ‘Ground Truth in Open Internet’ — the new Creative Commons Open Journalism Webinar Series and Training

Events, Open Journalism post

Journalism provides a crucial public service. Access to verifiable information and stories that question the underlying terrain of power is critical to democratic societies. Yet, journalism as we know it faces existential new challenges. Increasingly, journalists face work-halting financial and ethical challenges, as well as threats to their physical and digital safety, when sharing information…

SOPA Plus 10, reflections and continued work

Better Internet post

On January 18, 2012, the web went dark in protest of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act (PIPA), two bills introduced into the United States House and Senate in the last quarter of 2011. Why are we talking about this day ten years later? The fight for a global internet,…

Meet the CC Summit Presenter: Deborah De Angelis

Events post

Our next ‘Meet the CC Summit Presenter’ Q&A features Italian Attorney-at-law and the Lead and Representative of the Italian Chapter of the Creative Commons Global Network, Deborah De Angelis. Deborah is a legal expert in copyright law, entertainment law and new technologies. She also worked as legal advisor on copyright law to the previous Italian…

Meet the CC Summit Presenter: Kyle Smith

Events post

Can you believe we’re just one week away from the 2021 CC Global Summit? Join us from September 20-24 for an unforgettable event. This week, we will keep the ‘Meet the CC Summit Presenter’ Q&As coming, so that you can continue to get to know our presenters and their session topics ahead of next week.…

Meet the CC Summit Presenter: Franny Gaede

Events post

Next in our ‘Meet the CC Summit Presenter’ series meet, Franny Gaede, Director of Digital Scholarship Services at the University of Oregon Libraries. Franny provides leadership and support for digital scholarship, digital collections, digital preservation, scholarly communication, and library-led open access publishing. She earned her MSIS and BA in History at the University of Texas…

Meet the CC Summit Presenter: Dr. Matthew Rimmer

Events post

The 2021 CC Global Summit (September 20-24) is on the horizon, and we have another ‘Meet the CC Summit Presenter’ Q&A for you! Meet Dr. Matthew Rimmer, a Professor in Intellectual Property and Innovation Law at the Faculty of Business and Law, at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). He has published widely on copyright…