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Terms (pre-2020-08-26)


Creative Commons Master Terms of Use Effective as of 29 April 2019 1. General Information Regarding These Terms of Use Master terms: Welcome, and thank you for your interest in Creative Commons (“Creative Commons,” “CC,” “we,” “our,” or “us”). Unless otherwise noted on a particular site or service, these master terms of use (“Master Terms”)…

Meet CC Netherlands, Our Next Feature for CC Network Fridays!

Community post
CC Network Fridays: CC Nederland

Last month we introduced the CC Chapter in Italy to you! This month we’re traveling north to the CC Chapter in The Netherlands! The Creative Commons Global Network (CCGN) consists of 43 CC Country Chapters spread across the globe. They’re the home for a community of advocates, activists, educators, artists, lawyers, and users who share…

Your Chance to Perform for the CC Global Summit!

Events, Open Culture post
CC Global Summit logo with two icons

The wrap-up party for the annual CC Global Summit is always incredible, featuring local artists and musicians who send us off in style. Of course, things are a little different this year as we’ve transformed our in-person event to an entirely virtual one—but that doesn’t mean we can’t find a way to party together like…

Artificial Intelligence and Creativity: Why We’re Against Copyright Protection for AI-Generated Output

Copyright post
A collage of a scientist staring at computer screens Image: "Love is Art Science 95" by Kollage Kid, licensed CC BY-NC 2.0.

Should novel output (such as music, artworks, poems, etc.) generated by artificial intelligence1 (AI) be protected by copyright? While this question seems straightforward, the answer certainly isn’t. It brings together technical, legal, and philosophical questions regarding “creativity,” and whether machines can be considered “authors” that produce “original” works. In search of an answer, we ran…

CC Search Celebrates Its First Birthday!

Technology post
CC Search logo

At the end of April, CC Search officially celebrated its first birthday! After releasing the search tool last year on April 30, we eagerly watched as it was put to use. Now, with a year behind us and over 2.8 million users across 230 countries and territories, we’re gathering and examining search data to better…

Grant for the Web Announces Early Grantees

Uncategorized post

Grant for the Web, the $100 million fund for efforts that utilize and build upon the Web Monetization standard, today announced $250,000 in funding for a small group of projects: Free Music Archive, Coronavirus Tech Handbook, DEV, and Grant for the Web Ambassadors. These “early grantees” represent the wide array of endeavors that this project…

Welcome Our Interns from Google Summer of Code and Outreachy!

Technology post
Outreachy and Google Summer of Code Interns 2020

We’re pleased to announce the selection of our mid-year 2020 interns from Google Summer of Code (GSoC) and Outreachy! Both of these programs aim to support students and early career professionals as they venture into open source software development.  Over the next three months, these interns will work with members of the Creative Commons’ team…

What’s New in the Noosphere?

About CC post
Human eye "Eyes" by Demietrich Baker is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The term “global commons” usually brings to mind the biosphere’s natural resources that everyone shares and benefits from, like water or air. But the global commons is also home to what’s called the noosphere—all the resources and artifacts created by human reason and scientific thought, such as music, art, language, and research. Creative Commons has…