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Reminder: CC Salon NYC is Wednesday Night

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Just a quick reminder that CC Salon NYC is happening tomorrow night. July’s salon will feature presentations from Wikia Search, Livable Streets Network, and a special performance from comedian Max Silvestri (of Gabe + Max’s Internet Thing). Here are the details: Wednesday, July 23rd from 7-10pm The Open Planing Project 349 W. 12th St., 1st…

Remix Kidz in the Hall and Tyga at Jamglue

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Jamglue – featured commoner, remix contest holder extraordinaire – have delivered again with two awesome remix contests, one featuring rap-duo Kidz in the Hall and the other solo-artist Tyga. Both contests feature song stems for both artists’ current singles – “Driving Down the Block” and “Coconut Juice” respectively – released under a CC BY-NC-SA license.…

Empowering economics of 'net native' music

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Lucas Gonze: Now consider that internet music businesses have to compete for investment capital with internet businesses that don’t pay royalties. Craigslist, Google search, and Twitter do nothing but move bits around! Lastly, returning to the conversation about netlabels the other day, I want to point out that netlabel and other net-native music doesn’t have…

ccMixter to the max Q&A; proposals due July 29

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May 29 we announced that we are accepting proposals for a new home for ccMixter, the innovative remix-oriented music community that Creative Commons has run since late 2004. The Request For Proposals was covered many places, including Advertising Age, Boing Boing, and WIRED as well as discussed on the ccMixter forums. Proposals are due July…

Digital Copyright Slider

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Thanks to The Wired Campus, I stumbled across this nifty digital copyright tool developed by the American Library Association’s Copyright Advisory Network (in the Office for Information Technology Policy). The ALA Copyright Advisory Network is dedicated to educating librarians and others on copyright, something that is no simple matter, since, “with copyright, there are no…

Seesmic Adds Creative Commons License Support

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Super cool video conversation site Seesmic just rolled out its most requested feature today, Creative Commons licensing of course! Seesmic added all 6 primary licenses as option and CC Attribution 3.0 as default license for videos uploaded. “This means you determine how other people can use your content. Your choices are now between six combinations…

Curt Smith

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Curt Smith, solo-artist and co-founder of Tears for Fears, presented at the most recent CC Salon LA on why he chose to release his new album, “Halfway, pleased“, under a CC license. He spoke so eloquently we wanted to commit his words to text – as such, we bring you the latest in our Featured…

Tribe of Noise Opens With BY-SA Licensed Music

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Tribe of Noise, a community driven music discovery network, is now open for all to join and participate.  Tribe of Noise, which was started by Hessel van Oorschot and Sandra Brandenburg in the Netherlands, allows artists to upload their works using the CC:BY-SA license.  The roots and goals of the project are related to the…

Geograph British Isles Releases Torrents of Data

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The Geograph British Isles project, which aims to collect geographically representative photographs and information for every square kilometer of Great Britain and Ireland, has started releasing torrents of their photographs available for anyone to download and use. The project has divided the area of Great Britain and Ireland into a grid with equal size squares…

Education Innovator Esther Wojcicki Joins Creative Commons Board

About CC post

San Francisco, CA – July 10, 2008 Creative Commons (CC), a global non-profit focused on the preservation and growth of a openly shareable and remixable media landscape, officially announced today that education innovator Esther Wojcicki has joined its Board of Directors. Wojcicki has been a prominent figure in American education. As the leading mind behind…