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Opening Education–the little things you can do

Open Education post

By now, you’ve heard and/or used the term OER (Open Educational Resources) a ton of times. Whether you’re an advocate for open education, promoting the use, reuse, and adaptation of openly licensed educational materials, or an everyday user of them because you find them convenient and effective for your teaching or learning needs, you have…

Announcing October's CC Salon NYC

Events post

CC Salon NYC is back with a brand new home! The Open Planning Project has generously offered their incredible penthouse for the October salon. So come out to have some beers with the CC community watch some cool presentations, and meet some new faces in the free culture space. October’s Salon will feature short presentations…

ccNewsletter #14: Update from Joi Ito, CEO

About CC post

Check out the latest ccNewsletter, available to download in PDF format for your reading pleasure as you catch up on the latest CC news. It opens with a special update from CEO Joi Ito, and includes CC’s most exciting recent developments in arts & culture, science, education, and internationally. From groundbreaking CC integrations with Google…

Thank You to the 2009 Summer Interns!

Uncategorized post

Creative Commons has just concluded another successful summer internship program! This year, we welcomed six students to the San Francisco office: Tomas Ashe was our very first graphic design intern, who came from the Cork Institute of Technology in Ireland. Tomas spent the summer working on updating our presentations and presentation style; a fresh new…


Uncategorized post

Creative Commons is working with Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Law School in Rio de Janeiro to create Brazil jurisdiction-specific licenses from the generic Creative Commons licenses. CCi Brazil List Project Lead: Ronaldo Lemos da Silva Júnior License draft. English explanation of substantive legal changes. Post a message. Subscribe to the discussion. Read the discussion archives. More…

United States

Uncategorized post

Creative Commons is working with The Berkman Center to create United States jurisdiction-specific licenses from the generic Creative Commons licenses. CCi United States List Project Lead: John Palfrey, Phillip Malone There are currently no email discussion lists for the US project. The creation of United States jurisdiction-specific Creative Commons licenses is a far simpler project…

Rights Expression vs. Rights Enforcement: clarifying the Associated Press story

About CC post

The Associated Press wants to track reuse of their content through a “news registry.” This registry “will employ a microformat for news developed by AP”: The microformat will essentially encapsulate AP and member content in an informational “wrapper” that includes a digital permissions framework that lets publishers specify how their content is to be used…

The Reality of Professional Photography on Wikipedia

About CC post

Noam Cohen’s piece in the New York Times over the weekend highlighted some of the issues surrounding photography on Wikipedia: At a time when celebrities typically employ a team of professionals to control their images, Wikipedia is a place where chaos rules. Few high-quality photographs, particularly of celebrities, make it onto this site. This is…