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Costa Rica

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Creative Commons is working with the University of Costa Rica to create Costa Rica jurisdiction-specific licenses from the Unported Creative Commons licenses. The BY-NC-SA 3.0 license draft adapted to Costa Rican law is ready for public discussion. The Spanish and English versions of the BY-NC-SA license are available, as is a summary of the substantial…

AntWeb, Fedora Project, Wikitravel → CC BY-SA 3.0

Uncategorized post

Demonstrating that June’s migration of Wikimedia sites to CC Attribution-ShareAlike as their main content liense was a signal of much greater interoperability among free and open content projects going forward and not merely an end in itself are recent announcements from the Fedora Project, AntWeb, and Wikitravel, all moved or moving to CC BY-SA 3.0.…

AntWeb, Fedora Project, Wikitravel → CC BY-SA 3.0

Uncategorized post

Demonstrating that June’s migration of Wikimedia sites to CC Attribution-ShareAlike as their main content liense was a signal of much greater interoperability among free and open content projects going forward and not merely an end in itself are recent announcements from the Fedora Project, AntWeb, and Wikitravel, all moved or moving to CC BY-SA 3.0.…

ccMixter→ArtisTech Media

Uncategorized post

Only 5 years ago the benefits of CC-enabled remix — fully legal, easy, and respectful of both original artists, remixers, and fans (but not necessarily of those less and less useful strict divisions) — was mostly a vision, unrealized potential. ccMixter played a big part in changing that, beginning with its launch featuring tracks from…

ccMixter→ArtisTech Media

Uncategorized post

Only 5 years ago the benefits of CC-enabled remix — fully legal, easy, and respectful of both original artists, remixers, and fans (but not necessarily of those less and less useful strict divisions) — was mostly a vision, unrealized potential. ccMixter played a big part in changing that, beginning with its launch featuring tracks from…

PicScout Looking for Creative Professionals to Beta Test ImageExchange

Technology post

Are you a creative professional who frequently finds yourself using Google Image search or the Flickr commons portal to discover new images? PicScout, a company specializing in image recognition software, is working on a Firefox extension called ImageExchange that they want your help to beta test. Right now the program is in closed beta, but…

Commoner Letter #1: Mohamed Nanabhay of Al Jazeera

Copyright post

I’m happy to announce the launch of this year’s Commoner Letter series – a series of letters written by prominent members of the CC community in support of our annual fundraising campaign. We want to be very clear that this campaign is about much more than raising money for CC. At the heart of it…

REMINDER: CC Salon NYC is Monday October 5th

Events post

Just a quick reminder that October’s CC Salon NYC is Monday night! We’ve got a brand new home for the Salons – the Open Planning Project has generously offered their incredible penthouse. So come out to have some beers with the CC community watch some cool presentations, and meet some new faces in the free…

First Mobile Novel Launches in South Africa

Uncategorized post

Mobile phones are the most popular means of communication among young adults in South Africa, as South Africans send 250 million text messages a day. This may be true for many parts of the world, where Internet connections are still in dial-up mode or even nonexistent. Through mobile phones, youth carry daily conversations via text…