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Creative Commons launches in Belgium

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The launch ceremony of the Belgian CC Licences took place in the Bibliotheque Royale in Brussels on 10 December as part of the electronic music and free software festival Jonctions 8. Creative Commons country head Severine Dusollier – a young researcher of copyright law at the University of Namur – had invited an interesting panel…

Creative Remix airing in Seattle and Chicago

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The Creative Remix, an hour-long “lawyer free” examination of the art, culture, and history of the remix, will be airing on public radio station KUOW in Seattle on December 20th at 8pm. It will also be airing on WBEZ in Chicago, on December 26th at 5pm. Check it out!

Support Creative Commons

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Friends of Creative Commons, As 2004 draws to a close, Creative Commons is strong. In the past two years since Creative Commons licenses have been available, we’ve taken our first large first steps with you–building some of the essential tools, adding critical pieces of infrastructure and assembling a vibrant community. In 2004, Glenn, Larry, and…

CC Torrent Hosting

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Torrentocracy has announced a free BitTorrent hosting service for Creative Commons licensed content: Prodigem. Download one of the beta torrents currently available. Send an email to Torrentocracy creator Gary Lerhaupt to request an upload account. Update: Download all of the Duke Law School Arts Project Moving Image Contest finalists via one torrent at prodigem.

Copyright and attribution

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Crooked Timber has a post today on copyright and attribution that cites Creative Commons: In short, the informal economy of academic attribution is much more like the kind of alternative economy that, say, Creative Commons is trying to create than it is like the copyright industry. Academics are usually happy when others rip, remix or…

Attention Networks: you can use free video, too

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George Hotelling has a good idea for those network news shows covering the big Google/University public domain scanning story: there is a great video clip of the Internet Archive’s sophisticated scanning equipment available for public domain use right here, and anyone can use it.

Elvis did to who?

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Lucas Gonze has a way with words: Can I just say this? Napster politics are brutally boring. The action right now is in making the music and video owned by the major labels and film studios archaic and unpopular. We’re going to do to those properties what talkies did to silent films, what political bloggers…

(cc) People: Nathan Yergler

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In October 2003, our website redesign included a new page called Technology Challenges, where we invited volunteer developers to tackle some tough coding projects that could help the cause. Within a couple of weeks, some dude named Nathan Yergler had picked a couple of formidable challenges off like sitting ducks. First was CCMoz, the Firefox…

The Mainstream Mash-Up

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“The Mainstream Mash-Up” makes it onto the New York Times’ list of great ideas of 2004. Question #1: Where is Creative Commons here? Don’t they read WIRED at the NYTimes? Question #2: How “mainstream” is a concocted mash-up between Linkin Park + Jay-Z? Hats off to them for innovating, but this is just the tip…

New Year's Resolutions, 2004: How'd We Do?

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At the turn of 2004, we laid out our New Year’s Resolutions for Creative Commons. The year’s not quite up, but I’m going offline soon, so I thought it would be a good time to check in on our progress. I’m happy to report that the state of the Commons is strong. (If I personally…