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Developing Nations Copyright License Frees Creativity Across the Digital Divide

About CC post

The law-and-technology nonprofit Creative Commons offers a tool for authors and publishers to encourage innovation in developing nations while protecting their rights in the developed world. Geneva, Switzerland, and San Francisco, USA – Creative Commons, a nonprofit dedicated to building a body of creative and educational materials free to share and re-use, unveiled today its…

Free Culture live

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Colin Mutchler, featured in our second Creative Commons movie “Reticulum Rex“, is giving a live performance of his audio/visual work called “Free Culture” September 15th in Brooklyn, NY. “Sourced by Larry Lessig and his new book of the same name, Free Culture is multimedia performance by Brooklyn based artist Colin Mutchler that mixes music, image,…

Gnomoradio on Slashdot

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Last October we wrote about Gnomoradio, software that helps people share CC-licensed music. Gnomoradio has made good progress since then. Check out the new screenshots. One Gnomoradio screenshot. Click for more. Now Slashdot has taken notice, with ensuing discussion.

Imminent: Launch Events in Taiwan and Austria

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Our project’s international roll-out continues. Two more countries have now come up with their local licenses. First, on Saturday, Sep 4, Lawrence Lessig will be speaking in Taipei, where the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, as the Taiwan project lead, has completed the porting process and is now presenting the licenses to the island’s…

Freedom of Information and Copyright

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Ever had trouble convincing someone that copyright matters beyond just copyright? That it bumps into questions of censorship, freedom of information, even plain-old civics more every day? If so, here’s a nice anecdote to pull out next time. From the AP: The Defense Department spent $70,500 to produce a Humphrey Bogart-themed video called “The People’s…

Learning Photo

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There are lots of great sites to help you learn the basics of photography and keep up with the latest news, but recently I came across the new site Learning Photo which is doing something a bit different than the others. For each shot shared on the site, the photographer describes the location and how…

Industry analysts releasing licensed whitepapers

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Redmonk is an analyst firm that studies the Technology industry. One aspect of their work is publishing whitepapers on various technology subjects, which are usually sold for hundreds of dollars to companies seeking research. Tech magazine InfowWorld noticed their most recent publication was released for free, and on top of that, licensed under Creative Commons.…

Wired presents a Creative Commons benefit in NYC, Sept 21st

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click for full sized announcement Tuesday, September 21, 2004, Wired Magazine will throw a benefit for Creative Commons featuring a concert by David Byrne (with the Tosca Strings) and Gilberto Gil. It will take place at 8PM at The Town Hall in New York City. Proceeds from the concert will go to support the non-profit…

CC on Seybold DRM Panel

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I’m speaking on a DRM Roundtable 10:30AM tomorrow at Seybold San Francisco. The panel will address current and future trends in Digital Rights Management (or the pejorative: Digital Restrictions Management). We have two FAQs addressing Creative Commons and DRM, reproduced below: Is Creative Commons involved in digital rights management (DRM)? No; we prefer to describe…