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Find the Idiophone

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My favorite part of the WIRED concert and Creative Commons benefit that people are writing about: one of Gil’s percussionists had an instrument that perhaps looked and sounded a bit like two small steelpans put together (see brightened area of the photo below). Wonderful sound, little used to great effect. Detail of photo by Kathryn…

Clone Contest

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If you missed out on our moving images contest earlier this year, you have a second chance of sorts. The Center for the Study of the Public Domain’s Arts Project Contest is based on our moving images contest. A contest to create a 2-minute moving image that explains to the public some of the tensions…

Well, how did I get here?

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Back in Indiana after a whirl-wind week in New York City, I’m still processing the whole experience, telling everyone I can about Creative Commons and the concert. Never having been to NYC, the entire experience is worth remembering. That said, the concert definitely stands out in my mind. Seeing the sheer energy of the volunteers…

David Byrne's Journal

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David Byrne’s tour journal now has an entry for last week’s WIRED concert and Creative Commons benefit. Byrne on the songs he and Gilberto Gil played together: Over the last few weeks I’ve been E-mailing his people regarding the possibilities of us doing a song or 2 together. We’ve exchanged ideas and MP3s via Email,…

At Hewlett

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I’m at the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation today and tomorrow for an “open knowledge” grantees’ meeting. It’s striking (1) how large the group is this year and (2) how many other grantees are close friends of and collaborators with Creative Commons: The Internet Archive, Connexions, MIT OpenCourseware, David Wiley, Foothill-De Anza Community College, and…

Press bonanza

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While we’ve been plugging away at copyright licensing it appears, at least according to our recent press hits, that Creative Commons is starting to hit a critical mass. Two high profile features came out today: one about legal downloads at the Internet Archive released under a Creative Commons license (in next month’s PC World Magazine),…

The WIRED Concert: A Testimonial

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This from someone who attended the concert last Tuesday: This was truly one of the most inspired shows I’ve seen in a while. Not just the music, which was tremendous, but the entire feeling, established early on through the films; that we were involved in reclaiming and resuscitating creativity and the cross fertilization of cultures.…

Looking forward, Creative Commons recalls extraordinary week

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At Creative Commons, there is hardly ever time to look back and reminisce about great events past. But last week’s congregation in NYC being such a landmark event in our organization’s history, here are a few things to recall. First, Tuesday’s concert made it clear that we’re becoming truly global now. There is no better…


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At last, I saw my long-time favorite rock band the Pixies in Berkeley this weekend. That doesn’t have much to do with Creative Commons — not yet anyway. Except that this band is the reason for my first picking up a guitar 13 years ago (and, I might argue, for my improving little since). Which…