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Geograph British Isles Releases 1 Millionth Image

Open Culture post

The Geograph British Isles project, which aims to collect geographically representative photographs and information for every square kilometer of Great Britain and Ireland, announced today that they have recieved their 1 millionth image submission. All images are licensed under a CC BY-SA license, meaning the images can be shared and reused as long as the…

Creative Commons Privacy Policy


Last Updated: December 9, 2019 This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) explains the information collection, use, and sharing practices of Creative Commons Corporation (“CC”, “Creative Commons,” “we,” “us,” and “our”). This Policy is incorporated into and part of Creative Commons Master Terms of Use (“Master Terms”) located at Unless otherwise noted on a particular website or…


Open Culture post

flickrleech is a great tool for those looking to search a large number of flickr photos at once – by utilizing Flickr’s API, flickrleech is able to display 200 images per page rather than the standard 10. As pointed out by Alvin Trusty, it simply “makes scanning for a picture much quicker.” While flickrleech has…


Uncategorized post

Creative Commons is working with Digital Allmend to create Switzerland jurisdiction-specific licenses from the generic Creative Commons licenses. CCi Switzerland List Legal Project Leads: Philippe Perreaux and Simon Schlauri Public Project Leads: Martin Feuz License draft (PDF). English explanation of substantive legal changes (PDF). Post a message. Subscribe to the discussion. Read the discussion archives.…

Ubuntu FreeCulture Showcase Winners Announced

Uncategorized post

The Ubuntu FreeCulture Showcase, which was announced back in August, has now come to an end and the winners revealed. Congratulations to both Andrés Vidau and Andrew Higginson! Their winning submissions will be on over a million Ubuntu users’ desktops! Andrés won the audio division with the song “Patas de Trapo” which you can download…

Colin Mutchler

Open Culture post

Colin Mutchler is one of the original CC success stories. Back in 2003, he posted his song, My Life, to Opsound under a CC BY-SA license. A month later a violinist name Nora Beth added a violin track, calling the new work My Life Changed. It was one of the first instances of CC facilitating…


Open Culture post

Zemanta is an online platform for finding and adding “relevant images, smart links, keywords and text” to blog postings. Available in numerous incarnations (Firefox add-on, WordPress Plugin, etc.), Zemanta queries the text of a blog post against their own “proprietary natural language processing and semantic algorithms” to formulate media recommendations. Images are pooled from Wikimedia…

ccLearn's COSL Open Ed '08 download

Open Education post

Although we’ve already had a weekend plus a Monday to digest COSL’s Open Ed ’08, the events from the conference and general good feeling inspired by speakers and individual conversations still drives us forward into the week and the beginning of next month. This year’s conference featured several notable speakers; the keynotes themselves were given…

REMINDER: CC Salon NYC is Tomorrow Night

Events post

Just a quick reminder that the CC Salon NYC is happening tomorrow night! The Open Planning Project has once again generously allowed us to use their loft space in the West Village for the salon and a reception afterward. September’s Salon will feature presentations from Rachel Sterne from, and a special screening / premier…


Uncategorized post

Creative Commons is working with Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property (AGIP) to create Jordan jurisdiction-specific licenses from the generic Creative Commons licenses. CCi Jordan List Project Leads: Ziad Maraqa (Legal Cases & Court Decisions Manager, AGIP) and Rami Olwan (Researcher at CCI ARC Center for Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation). License draft v3.0 (PDF). English re-translation…