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We’re entering a new era for the Commons

About CC post
free-bassel-activist The #FreeBassel campaign drew supporters from around the world (Kennisland/Flickr/CC license 2.0)

At this year’s Global Summit we’ll announce the recipient of the Bassel Khartabil Free Culture Fellowship. It’s a partnership between Creative Commons, Wikipedia, Mozilla and the Fabricatorz Foundation, which I’m a co-founder of. Noura, Bassel’s wife, and Jamil Khartabil, his father, will also be at the Summit to present the award.

CC Will Host 2018-19 Ford-Mozilla Open Web Fellow

Copyright post

On Monday, Mozilla announced that Creative Commons is among 11 organizations selected to host the 2018-2019 Ford-Mozilla Open Web Fellows. We’re thrilled to be chosen as one of the host organisations alongside the following excellent organizations: Consumer Reports, Tor, Witness, Code for Science & Society, Bits of Freedom, Derechos Digitales, Astraea Foundation, Wikimedia Foundation, Privacy…

Los Angeles: CC and a panel of VR experts tackle the issue of social change in emerging media

Events, Open Culture, Technology post

Watch or listen to the recording on Vimeo, YouTube, or Soundcloud. On February 15, Creative Commons hosted an evening of demos, discussion, and drinks in Los Angeles called, “CC as a Vehicle for Social Change in Emerging & Immersive Media.” With 200 guests registered, the evening featured demos of three virtual reality social impact projects. They were:…

Tell the Canadian government to ignore Bell’s terrible idea to block websites

Copyright post

Earlier this month Bell and a group of Canadian telecommunications and media companies submitted a proposal that asks the Canadian government to identify websites engaged in content piracy and compel internet service providers to block access to those sites. Specifically, the proposal asks the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to set up an “Internet…

Time is running out for net neutrality

Copyright post

Act now and support the #OneMoreVote campaign to trigger Senate review of the FCC repeal In December 2017, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted along party lines to repeal the 2015 Open Internet Order that ensured net neutrality in the United States. Without net neutrality, broadband providers like Comcast and Verizon will have free reign…

Creative Commons’ Global Network: How we’re Growing

About CC post
people-around-table-cc Photo by Sebastiaan Ter Burg, فتح باب تقديم الطلبات: مِنح لتخليد ذكرى باسل خرطبيل page

انتهت عملية تقديم الطلب. فتح باب تقديم الطلبات: مِنح لتخليد ذكرى باسل خرطبيل إحياءً لذكرى باسل خرطبيل: تعزيز التشاركية والمجتمع والإنترنت المفتوح تُستقبل الطلبات لغاية 24 آذار 2018 تدعو منظمة المشاع الابداعي الأفراد والمجموعات والمنظمات المهتمة إلى تقديم طلبات لمنح التي تبني على العمل الفذ والإرث للناشط في الثقافة الحرة باسل خرطبيل. وضعت هذه المنح…