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Political Expression and Copyright

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Today Robert Greenwald announced the release of footage from his controversial film Outfoxed under the Creative Commons Sampling Plus license. The release of his earlier film, Uncovered, will follow soon. Says Greenwald: In making Outfoxed and Uncovered, I learned how cumbersome and expensive it can be to license footage from news organizations. Creative Commons licenses…

Some clarifications about the "Commonwealth" list

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A few of you have expressed concern about a discussion list we announced recently. These are all good points and I feel I should make a couple of things clear: (1) It is never a foregone conclusion that a project in discussion will be adopted by Creative Commons. Check out the image on our discuss…

CC on Seybold DRM Panel

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I’m speaking on a DRM Roundtable 10:30AM tomorrow at Seybold San Francisco. The panel will address current and future trends in Digital Rights Management (or the pejorative: Digital Restrictions Management). We have two FAQs addressing Creative Commons and DRM, reproduced below: Is Creative Commons involved in digital rights management (DRM)? No; we prefer to describe…

Live Modern

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Live Modern is a new community site that describes themselves as “a free and open community for modern home buyers, architects, builders, developers, lenders, realtors–anyone interested in modernist housing.” They’ve got a Creative Commons license on all their own content, a section devoted to a new, affordable, custom modern home called The Glide House, a…

Interview with Wikipedia founder

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Slashdot is carrying a great interview with the founder of Wikipedia. Wikipedia is only about three and a half years old, but in that time it has already grown well beyond the size of most standard printed encyclopedias. In the interview, Jim Wales talks about how they manage all that content, how they collect and…

Lessig's free book still racking up the sales

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Stanford Magazine carries a story this month about our chairman and co-founder Lawrence Lessig‘s book which has just entered its third printing. This is interesting because the book is freely available online for download (under a Creative Commons license), and has been downloaded about 180,000 times. On the one hand an author can give away…

Flickr Featured Commoner

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This month’s featured commoner interview is up, which covers our interview with Flickr founder Stewart Butterfield. In it, he talks about Flickr’s unique features, their history, and why they’re using Creative Commons licenses.

Lou Reed loves remixes

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Lou Reed is another artist that should check out the Recombo license. Here’s a great quote from him about his most recent recordings being remixed in this story: “I’ve been getting all these great mixes sent to me out of the U.K. for years and years,” he told Attitude magazine, “and I just started saying…

Share Your Politics, Whatever Their Color

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ActBlue is a web site that bills itself as an “online clearinghouse for grassroots action.” As the name suggests, it’s a site designed to help Democratic partisans find candidates to support, both with money and with time. But it also supplies tools to help users band together with like-minded souls — creating customized lists of…