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Tag: interview

Meet CC Italy, Our First Feature for CC Network Fridays!

CC Italy flag with globe icon
Image features icons by Vectors Point and Guilherme Furtado via Noun Project (CC BY).

Did you know that the Creative Commons Global Network (CCGN) consists of 43 CC Country Chapters? Spread across the globe, these CC Chapters are the home for a community of advocates, activists, educators, artists, lawyers, and users who share CC’s vision and values. They work to implement and strengthen open access policies, copyright reform, open…

Just One Giant Lab Co-Founder Leo Blondel on the Power of Community and Open Source During COVID-19

Open Science, Technology
The JOGL team by Thomas Landrain (CC BY).

Thousands of strangers working together, almost entirely online, to effectively solve an urgent, global challenge is remarkable—and it’s happening, right now. Recently, we published a post titled, “Open-Source Medical Hardware: What You Should Know and What You Can Do” examining the collaborative efforts by volunteer groups, universities, and research centers to solve the medical supply…

Open Access in Practice: A Conversation with President Larry Kramer of The Hewlett Foundation

Open Access
Participants in the Young Women Leadership Program explain software to each other
Image by Paula Bronstein/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment, November 2017 (CC BY-NC)

Since the founding of Creative Commons (CC) in 2001, we’ve been supported by like-minded organizations and individuals who value open access, the open community, and the global commons as much as we do. As we near our 20th anniversary, we are reflecting on the past and planning for the future. What better way to do…

Dr. Lucie Guibault on What Scientists Should Know About Open Access

Open Access, Open Science
"The Chancellor Rishi Sunak visits a coronavirus testing laboratory in Leeds," by HM Treasury, licensed CC BY-NC-SA.

In response to the global health emergency caused by COVID-19, we’ve seen an array of organizations, publications, and governments make COVID-19 related research open access. For example, the U.S. National Library of Medicine recently released the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19)—a machine-readable coronavirus literature collection with over 29,000 articles available for text and data mining…

CC Certificate Graduate on the Ripple Effect of Open Licensing Expertise for K12 Pedagogy

Open Education
Kevin Corcoran Interview
New UNESCO House in Paris. United Nations. 1958-September-01 / CC BY

After running 26 CC Certificate courses, and certifying hundreds of graduates, CC is exploring the way the courses impact graduates and their communities. In this interview, we highlight one CC Certificate graduate’s work within Connecticut, a #GoOpen state, and celebrate the momentum he’s built in open education.  This interview is with Kevin Corcoran. Kevin is the…

How a News Outlet Used CC BY to Help Its Journalist

Open Journalism
Meduza logo

A key principle of the open movement is that the power of information relies on its accessibility. As researcher and activist Bushra Ebadi expressed to us recently, “Access to information is intrinsically tied to the right to know and the right to exist.”    We often receive stories from around the world illustrating how Creative Commons…

Access to Information Is Not Universal: Here’s Why That Matters

Copyright, Open Access, Open Data
Image credit: UNESCO, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

Today is the International Day for Universal Access to Information (IDUAI). You may be wondering why this day is necessary—particularly in 2019, when the average person is inundated with an estimated 34 gigabytes of information every day, from emails and text messages to Youtube videos and news programs. In fact, it’s easy to take information…

Let’s make some clothes: Joost de Cock on Make my Pattern

Joost de Cock in homemade shirt, jeans, and shoes. CC-by-SA-NC

The delightfully quirky sewing site Make my is the work of self-proclaimed “sewcialist” Joost de Cock, a Belgian designer with a flair for fashion. When he started Make my Pattern, de Cock set out to solve a major issue for amateur sewers: patterns fit best when hand-drafted, but hand-drafting is inaccessible to most hobbyists.…

The case of the witch and her cat: crowdfunding free culture


The guest post below was written by Erik Moeller from Passionate Voices, in support of our campaign “Made with Creative Commons: A book on open business models” which will present in-depth profiles of Creative Commons use. The dragoncow is chewing on an uprooted tree, its bulging eyes staring vacantly into the distance as the orange cat…