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Tag: Jimmy Wales
ccNewsletter: Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales Wants You to Support CC!
by allison About CCOur fall fundraising campaign is fully underway, and we'd like to start off this month's newsletter by encouraging all of you who use or support Creative Commons to donate today so we can continue to provide you with great tools for sharing and remixing on the web!
Meet our board members: Jimmy Wales
by lisak UncategorizedMeet Creative Commons board member Jimmy Wales. You probably know him best as the founder of Wikipedia. Here, he talks to us about the importance of Creative Commons, why fundraising is hard, and his crazy travel schedule. Why are you on the CC board? As the founder of Wikipedia, I am very aware of the…
Thank You to Wikipedia founder, Jimmy Wales
by mike UncategorizedWikipedia also wrapped up a wildly successful fundraiser at the end of the year. See below for Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales’ thank you letter to the community, reproduced in full under CC BY-SA, the license Wikipedia and other Wikimedia sites migrated to last June. Note “support our friends” at the end — it is a…
Tonight at the Commonwealth Club (SF)
by kaitlin EventsFrom the Science Commons blog … Commoners and digerati alike will come together tonight at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco for a vibrant discussion on the intersection of science and the Web. The event, “Making the Web Work for Science”, will be moderated by Tim O’Reilly, founder of O’Reilly Media, joined by panelists Stephen…
Wiki-Conference NYC 2009
by fbenenson EventsIn New York this weekend? Head on over to NYC for the 1st Wiki-Conference. Here are the details: The 1st Wiki-Conference New York will be held over the weekend of July 25-26 2009 at New York University, and hosted by Free Culture @ NYU and Wikimedia New York City. The location for the conference is…
Wikipedia + CC BY-SA = Free Culture Win!
by mike About CCAs anyone following this site closely must know, the Wikipedia community and Wikimedia Foundation board approved the adoption of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) license as the main content license for Wikipedia and other Wikimedia sites. A post about the community vote has many links explaining the history and importance of this move. Detail…
Wikipedia Loves Art Launches this Weekend
by fbenenson Events, Open CultureFollowing up the success of Wikis Take Manhattan, a new project, Wikipedia Loves Art is launching this weekend: Wikipedia Loves Art is a scavenger hunt and free content photography contest among museums and cultural institutions worldwide, and aimed at illustrating Wikipedia articles. The event is planned to run for the whole month of February 2009.…
Happy birthday Wikipedia!
by mike About CCWikipedia began 8 years ago today and now exists in 265(!) languages with over 10 million articles among them. In those 8 years Wikipedia has grown from an outlandish dream and into a reality far more outlandish than the original dream — it now seems silly to compare Wikipedia to past encyclopedias, for while Wikipedia…
Final Commoner Letter: Jimmy Wales
by melissa CopyrightOur final commoner letter of this campaign comes from Jimmy Wales, who needs no introduction. If you haven’t contributed, now is the time. Please help spread this letter far and wide. Now, Jimmy Speaks… —————– Dear Creative Commoner, Creative Commons recently celebrated its 6th birthday, and I want to take a moment to ask for…
Global CC Birthday Parties
by michelle EventsThe globe lit up last week to celebrate the birthday of a community and organization now in its sixth year. Creative Commons, as demonstrated by these events, is about more than just free legal tools — it’s a powerful idea that has spread the world over. In Chennai the CC Birthday Party merged with the…