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Tag: OER

OERu Launches Worldwide


Providing free learning with pathways to formal credit, the OERu officially launched on Friday November 1, 2013 at Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops British Columbia. “In basing your learning and teaching on OER, you have an excellent opportunity to treat the minds of your students primarily as fires to be set alight rather than as…

Open Science Course — a cool connected science experience!


This past August, I facilitated an online peer-learning course in the School of Open introducing open science to newcomers, and Michelle Sidler worked behind the scenes to keep things glued together. This guest post was written by Michelle, and gives a look at how things went teaching an entirely free course on open science over…

European Commission launches "Opening Up Education" initiative


European Commission Vice President Neelie Kroes and Commission Member Androulla Vassiliou today announced Opening Up Education, an initiative that looks to increase the use of digital technologies for learning and spur the development of Open Educational Resources and policies across the European Union. The Opening Up Education communication (PDF) indicates a strong support for Open…

New CC Kenya Hosts CC Salon in Sub-Sahara Africa


Mt. Kenya / Chris 73 / CC BY-SA Guest post by Elizabeth Kiragu Wanjugu and Tobias Schonwetter As we were busy getting ready for our community Global Summit a few weeks ago, we nearly missed the announcement of another very important addition to that community – our new CC Kenya affiliate. Our new Kenyan team…

Welcoming David Wiley, CC’s new Education Fellow

Open Education

In the McKay School of Education / Mark A. Philbrick / CC BY David Wiley, longtime open education leader, has joined Creative Commons as a CC Education Fellow. Welcome David! David is also currently a Shuttleworth Fellow, on leave from Brigham Young University, and leading Lumen Learning, an organization dedicated to supporting and improving the…

California Community Colleges require Creative Commons Attribution for Chancellor’s Office Grants & Contracts

Copyright, Open Education

At today’s meeting of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, the Board voted unanimously to require open licensing on publicly funded materials resulting from all Chancellor’s Office contracts and grants. Here are the key documents: Recommended Action at Board Meeting (CC BY required) – September 9-10, 2013 Press Release (CC BY required)…