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Tag: OER

Launch of the Why Open Education Matters Video Competition

About CC

Creative Commons, U.S. Department of Education, Open Society Institute launch high profile video competition to highlight potential of free educational materials Mountain View, California and Washington, D.C., — March 5, 2012 Today Creative Commons, the U.S. Department of Education, and the Open Society Institute announce the launch of the Why Open Education Matters Video Competition.…

OER K-12 Bill Passes in U.S. Washington State

Copyright, Open Education

There was exciting open policy news from U.S. Washington State (WA) last evening. HB 2337 “Regarding open educational resources in K-12 education” passed the Senate (47 to 1) and is on its way back to the House for final concurrence. It already passed the House 88 to 7 before moving to the Senate. The bill…

Learn about CC during Open Education Week


As most of you are undoubtedly aware, next week, 5-10 March, is the First Annual Open Education Week – a time set aside each year to celebrate and raise awareness about open education and open educational resources (OER). How better to spend it than learning how to share OER with CC… and to remind us…

CC Salon London: Open Educational Resources — Policies for Promotion


Creative Commons, Creative Commons United Kingdom (CC UK) and iCommons Ltd. are pleased to present the next CC Salon London on Thursday, March 29. CC Salon London will feature five panelists discussing the state of open educational resources (OER) and the effect of copyright and other policies on the development of digital tools and content…

Contribute to Open Education Week

Open Education

Open Education Week 5-10 March 2012: Call for participation. Please fill out the Open Education Week contributor’s form by January 31, 2012. Join your colleagues around the world to increase understanding about open education! Open Education Week will take place from 5-10 March 2012 online and in locally hosted events around the world. The objective…

Mozilla releases Learning, Freedom & the Web (e)book


Anya Kamenetz and Mozilla have released a great book called Learning, Freedom & the Web. It details many of the activities and ideas generated at Mozilla’s eponymous festival held last year, “a 500 person meta-hackfest that took place in a Barcelona city square,” says Ben Moskowitz from Mozilla. The book features participant interviews, project highlights,…

Kazakhstan and Rwanda: Two more CC Affiliates for 2011


Early morning in Almaty by Irene2005 / CC BY (resized) Volcano by johncooke / CC BY (resized) As CC headquarters starts to wind down for the end of the year, it gives me great pleasure to announce two new CC Affiliates from Kazakhstan and Rwanda. Led by Rauan Kenzhekhanuly and including Almas Nurbakytov, Nartay Ashim…

Creative Commons at an International Seminar and Expert Meeting in Moscow


Picture of Светлана Князева, Дендев Бадарч and Юрий Хохлов during the opening of the seminar / Михаил Федин / CC BY-SA Creative Commons’ Russian affiliate Institute of the Information Society (IIS), in collaboration with the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies, organized an international seminar and expert meeting on the 6th of December in Moscow. As…

LRMI Specification version 0.5 released


The Learning Resources Metadata Initiative (LRMI) Technical Working Group just released the latest draft of their specification. This version is another step on the road to the final public release and submission to, the multiple search engine group that is maintaining a standard metadata specification for online content. LRMI intends to extend’s documentation…