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Tag: open education
CC and Open Access Week 2010
by Jane Park UncategorizedThis week is the fourth annual Open Access Week, and starting yesterday Oct 18, the official kick-off date, the CC community has been participating in various open access events around the globe. “Open-access (OA) literature is digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions.” Taking place the same week everywhere,…
ccNewsletter: Campaign Launches! Become a CC Superhero!
by allison About CCStay up to date with CC news by subscribing to our weblog and following us on Twitter. Our annual fundraising campaign has launched! Help us reach our $550,000 goal! Creative Commons is recruiting a legion of superheroes to help us raise money for our fall fundraising campaign. We already have an all-star team of leaders…
The Open University's Patrick McAndrew: Open Education and Policy
by Timothy Vollmer UncategorizedAt the beginning of this year we announced a revised approach to our education plans, focusing our activities to support of the Open Educational Resources (OER) movement. In order to do so we have worked hard to increase the amount of information available on our own site – in addition to an Education landing page and the OER…
Summary of OER-related comments on U.S. Department of Education Notice of Proposed Priorities
by Timothy Vollmer UncategorizedWe previously wrote about the U.S. Department of Education’s (Department) Notice of Proposed Priorities (NPP) for discretionary grant programs. The Department offered 13 proposed priorities, specifically mentioning Open Educational Resources (OER). Essentially, if the priorities are adopted, grant seekers could receive priority if they include OER as a component of an application for funding from the Department. OER…
Open Education Events in Barcelona
by Jane Park UncategorizedCC BY by Steve Jurvetson Registration is open for two open education events set to take place in early November in Barcelona, Spain. Open Ed 2010 is the seventh annual open education conference that is “the world’s premiere venue for research related to open education” and is focused this year on OER: Impact and Sustainability.…
P2PU launches 3rd round of courses, with "Copyright for Educators"
by Jane Park UncategorizedThe Peer 2 Peer University, more commonly known now as P2PU by a growing community of self-learners, educators, journalists, and web developers, launches its third round of courses today, opening sign-ups for “courses dealing in subject areas ranging from Collaborative Lesson Planning to Manifestations of Human Trafficking.” P2PU is simultaneously launching its School of Webcraft,…
Open High School of Utah's DeLaina Tonks: Open Education and Policy
by Timothy Vollmer UncategorizedAt the beginning of this year we announced a revised approach to our education plans, focusing our activities to support of the Open Educational Resources (OER) movement. In order to do so we have worked hard to increase the amount of information available on our own site – in addition to an Education landing page and the OER…
Curriki's Christine Mytko: Open Education and Policy
by Jane Park UncategorizedPhoto by Christine Mytko / CC BY-NC At the beginning of this year we announced a revised approach to our education plans, focusing our activities to support of the Open Educational Resources (OER) movement. In order to do so we have worked hard to increase the amount of information available on our own site – in…
ISKME's Lisa Petrides: Open Education and Policy
by Timothy Vollmer UncategorizedAt the beginning of this year we announced a revised approach to our education plans, focusing our activities to support of the Open Educational Resources (OER) movement. In order to do so we have worked hard to increase the amount of information available on our own site – in addition to a new Education landing page and…
Mozilla and the P2PU School of Webcraft
by Jane Park UncategorizedIn September, Mozilla and P2PU are launching the P2PU School of Webcraft, and they invite you to participate. The partnership leverages Mozilla’s experience and the P2PU community to create a social learning environment for those who want to “learn the craft of open and standards-based web development.” The P2PU School of Webcraft is a set…